Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

And why do you capitalize White but not Americans?
Americans are the obstacles he & his ‘he-men’ fellow traitors hide behind…it’s what makes the sheepishness of would-be real patriots so…useful. Couldn’t hide behind horses like that.

”Whiteness”, OTOH, is fundamental to the slaver mindset: the single most important factor in human affairs is - for them - who they can own, who they can punish, and who they can exterminate without sanction.

Make no mistake: extermination is in the cards for every one or thing that poses any barrier or threat to their desired outcome (white-owned plantations as far as the eye can see in any direction, white profits funding extravagant lifestyles & self-opinions, no opposing views, no ‘melting pot’, no challenging ideas - no advancement, no progress, just smug, satisfied white people enjoying living it up on the dead bodies of the enslaved, the sacrificed, and the simply thrown away).

When they talk about “heritage, not hate”, *THIS* is the heritage they dream of reinhabiting - the heritage of slavery, of aristocracy, the heritage of feudalism…and mostly, it’s true that they don’t ”hate” those they bleed for their ascendancy. Ranchers don’t “hate” cattle, after all - they need them, in exactly the same way slavers need an enslave-able population to expend.

It’s no big intellectual challenge for anyone who ever read three books on entirely different subject, but the fact remains that “whiteness” doesn’t exist, any more than “white culture” exists: light skin was exalted in Japan, China, Aztec Mexico, India - long before European raiders/conquistadors stumbled onto them…and darker skin was vilified - and is *still* looked down on in all those places. Lighter skin joins the aristocracy; darker skin joins the butchers, the gravediggers, the scavengers, the hopeless…and still in practice culturally if not officially. ALL those countries were real effing surprised when ”the light-skinned gods” showed up out of nowhere - and greeted them with swords, muskets, and enslavement instead of hugs and smiles.

Still, it’s hard to place the origins of the myth of whiteness, mostly because of those vastly separated individual manifestations. We can’t pretend it’s a European tradition, though - so we can’t pretend that the dominant Europrejudice is built into it from the start...but the demonically-inspired system of color-coded chattel slavery we have here is ‘our’ innovation; it’s the thing that caught Hitler’s eye - the thing that gave him the vision of Aryan nobility supported by the lives and deaths of uncounted “lesser peoples” like Jews. Bad luck for Adolf that there was no slave trade to take advantage of, so he had to make do with what he had - which were Slavs, Romany, and Jews. Kinda worked for a minute.
Americans are the obstacles he & his ‘he-men’ fellow traitors hide behind…it’s what makes the sheepishness of would-be real patriots so…useful. Couldn’t hide behind horses like that.

”Whiteness”, OTOH, is fundamental to the slaver mindset: the single most important factor in human affairs is - for them - who they can own, who they can punish, and who they can exterminate without sanction.

Make no mistake: extermination is in the cards for every one or thing that poses any barrier or threat to their desired outcome (white-owned plantations as far as the eye can see in any direction, white profits funding extravagant lifestyles & self-opinions, no opposing views, no ‘melting pot’, no challenging ideas - no advancement, no progress, just smug, satisfied white people enjoying living it up on the dead bodies of the enslaved, the sacrificed, and the simply thrown away).

When they talk about “heritage, not hate”, *THIS* is the heritage they dream of reinhabiting - the heritage of slavery, of aristocracy, the heritage of feudalism…and mostly, it’s true that they don’t ”hate” those they bleed for their ascendancy. Ranchers don’t “hate” cattle, after all - they need them, in exactly the same way slavers need an enslave-able population to expend.

It’s no big intellectual challenge for anyone who ever read three books on entirely different subject, but the fact remains that “whiteness” doesn’t exist, any more than “white culture” exists: light skin was exalted in Japan, China, Aztec Mexico, India - long before European raiders/conquistadors stumbled onto them…and darker skin was vilified - and is *still* looked down on in all those places. Lighter skin joins the aristocracy; darker skin joins the butchers, the gravediggers, the scavengers, the hopeless…and still in practice culturally if not officially. ALL those countries were real effing surprised when ”the light-skinned gods” showed up out of nowhere - and greeted them with swords, muskets, and enslavement instead of hugs and smiles.

Still, it’s hard to place the origins of the myth of whiteness, mostly because of those vastly separated individual manifestations. We can’t pretend it’s a European tradition, though - so we can’t pretend that the dominant Europrejudice is built into it from the start...but the demonically-inspired system of color-coded chattel slavery we have here is ‘our’ innovation; it’s the thing that caught Hitler’s eye - the thing that gave him the vision of Aryan nobility supported by the lives and deaths of uncounted “lesser peoples” like Jews. Bad luck for Adolf that there was no slave trade to take advantage of, so he had to make do with what he had - which were Slavs, Romany, and Jews. Kinda worked for a minute.
When robots take their jobs and work becomes a privilege, they will want socialism and guaranteed minimum incomes. If current technological trends continue, what kind of world will it be in a decade or two? Countries can no longer afford the luxury of bigotry and racism, America can't. Liberal democracies trend towards more rights and inclusiveness for more people, this is a multinational historical trend. Bigots and racists see the meritocracy that liberal democracies and education promote as a threat to their social dominance.

Like all other humans with a problem or a perceived threat they band together into groups and organizations. Tribalism is the result, people at war, just like in Ukraine, except there it is real and not in their imaginations. People at war will make sacrifices, in short they will fuck themselves to get at the enemy, especially if they are losing a war of survival, it will get to asymmetrical warfare, suicide bombers. In a way America already has it's suicide sheep with those who refused vaccination and died for the "greater cause" while refusing to wear masks back when they worked. The greater cause is bigger than their country, constitution, or even religion, bigger than friends or family and big enough to sacrifice their self respect and even freedom over. Trump is their great white hope, he was stupid enough, crazy enough, desperate enough and mean enough.
Alan Dershowitz, the lawyer who defended former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, told Insider that most reputable law firms weren't letting their attorneys go anywhere near Trump as his legal issues snowballed.

"All big-firm lawyers have told me that their firms won't let them do it," Dershowitz said in an interview. "The firms won't let them go near any case involving Trump. These are firms that want to continue to have clients, and they know that if they represent Donald Trump, they'll lose a lot of clients."

Dershowitz spoke from experience.

After he represented Trump in his second Senate impeachment trial following the deadly January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, Dershowitz said he lost job opportunities and many of his speaking engagements.

"Everybody who has called me has shown reluctance to do it," he said. "They say their law firms won't let them do it. Their husbands or wives won't let them do it. Their children won't let them do it. Their friends won't let them do it, even though they want to do it."

Dershowitz said that since he represented Trump, at least six lawyers had asked him about what it was like working for the former president and whether it affected his career. In one conversation, when Dershowitz told another attorney about his experience being blacklisted, he said the person responded, "I'm not going near this with a 10-foot pole."

There are other reasons big-name lawyers are reluctant to represent the former president.

"He likes to run the show, and as the old saying goes, if you represent yourself, you've got a fool for a client," one lawyer familiar with the Trump team's thought process said. "He's a big believer in the public-relations assault, which I've never seen work. I don't see anybody with any experience it takes to represent a former president in a case like this. There's a lot at stake here."
I don't know of any criminal who get to demand of the courts anything- including search warrants.

The balls on this guy..he goes right up to the line and leans in.

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I *love* that shot: first official handshake between Cumdump and Trudeau(?)…& *look* at their faces! Mr. Nice Canadian was ready for the gibbon’s knuckle-crusher…and returned better than he got.

No one ever seems to talk about this, but Trump is obviously deeply unhealthy. One of my professional skill sets is posture & movement analysis…and there’s a textbook waiting to be written about the way he (mis)uses his body. His *inability* to stand up straight exposes so much, all by itself: no ventral muscle tone, low-back musculature constantly straining against the pull forward-and-down from his ‘off-center of gravity’, the pain and embarrassment of lurching about like a movie monster…which makes him self-conscious, embarrassed, and oddly toddler-like in his movements.

My two big takeaways (from just this): he’s in near-constant pain, which erodes anyone’s good mood…for which he probably gets pain medication…and some people react to some pain relievers by turning nasty and vindictive (there are certain painkillers I cannot take - because they make me mean, reactive, and want to take it out on someone or something(!)). Given the display he’s put on these last 7 years (and haven’t we had great seats!), I am somewhat convinced his medication selection makes him worse.

Last big thing: he shows a kind of bloat that often afflicts men as they age - a puffiness, emotional lability, & hyper-reactive state that tells me every nanoliter of testosterone his body produces is being turned into estrogen almost immediately. The effect of this is seen in the nasty tempers and quickness to anger exhibited by so many men as they pass 60…and part of that is the estrogen-fueled tendency to weep, to feel scared or threatened or out of control - things a ‘real man’ can’t tolerate at all; fortunately (?), men tend to be very good at hiding such things behind a show of anger, resentment, belligerence…and doesn’t that sound *JUST* like our striped-ass ex-president?

If he is on TRT, though, it’s exaggerating the condition; his medical team at the local doc-in-the-box ought to be taking measures to slow down that conversion, but either they can’t, won’t, just don’t care, or don’t know how.

There’s other stuff, but not helpful in this conversation
oh shit didn't notice that. LOL good one ls savoy brown. its been awhile since I heard that, thanks for that That is what happens when I don't proof read my own post.
‘22 GOP campaign season theme:

’22 Democrat campaign theme:

(BOTH from the album Hellbound Train)
man he is fucked already, but if that is the best he can come up with, he is double dip royal fucked...and so is trump.
i think it would be awesome if all of his militia moron followers tried some shit and got mowed down by the fbi and secret service...just enough of them survive to stand trial for treason.
Why do you all suppose that TUCKER CARLSON is the most popular show among DEMOCRATS?
…Is THAT what the flaming raccoons in your head are telling you? In which case, I have to ask if you’re really stupid enough to believe that?
is it because that without HATING something or someone (ie TUCKER) - democrats feel empty?
Naw, YOU’RE the gang that can’t think straight - with the rotating hate machine and the lock-step script-shouting. Seems like you don’t know A FUCKING THING even about your own crew…which is how we know the reprogramming worked brilliantly. On you. Choker’s entire shtick is hate and nonsense…and tying folks like you up in knots…and I have the sneaky feeling you want to grow up to be JUST LIKE HIM

or do they SECRETLY want to know whats going on in the world rather than being sheltered & cut off from the world as CNN/MSNBC prefer them to be?
I’ve not watched it (ever (disgusting rich-boy bobblehead) but it makes sense to keep track of the liars & bad actors - of which he is both…and which is a part of knowing what’s going on in the world…but I don’t believe anything I can’t verify - for example, everything political he spews. I’ll believe his name is actually Tucker Carlson if his dad Randall says so publicly…but to my knowledge Randall’s never done so.

As for wanting to know what’s going on in the world: I’ve been keeping up with current events and US politics since THE KOREAN WAR. You haven’t been alive long enough to learn about the shit I’ve seen with my own eyes…might be why you’re so eager to suck traitorous dick