maria butina

I've shown up and represented. I participate in a local watershed council.

I've never seen a post from you where you mention attending a protest march or doing more than voting. Did you do more than vote last year? What did you do?
Posting specious information from dodgy sources that criticizes Trump's opposition and supports Trump's long term goals while using Trumpian tactics like accusing others of that which you are guilty of.

He calls it "organizing".
Please STFU

Your inability discuss things like an adult does not obligate me to do anything.

Classic Intolerant Liberal.

People like you continue to divide Left. The more you do, the higher the odds become that the Republicans will keep winning elections.

Stop trying to dictate what everyone must think and find ways to be inclusive.

There Is No Alternative.
Especially the one in the Oval Orifice.
8 reasons why Russian interference in American elections is at best irrelevant and at most a distraction from the oligarch's clown show it is now;

Are you going to admit to being wrong about this being irrelevant or just a distraction?

I'll give the obligatory comment now:

Counterpunch is propaganda media outlet that supports the right wing. Anything that comes from that site is suspect
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