Marianne Williamson 2020

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I checked out 2 of her books from the public library. They only had 2 available. Tears of Triumph and
Illuminata. I could not get into either of them at all, I prefer her live interviews. Has anyone read her books? I had no idea she was so religious. All those pages and pages of prayers....Dear God this, Dear god that..., blah blah blah... boring as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I checked out 2 of her books from the public library. They only had 2 available. Tears of Triumph and
Illuminata. I could not get into either of them at all, I prefer her live interviews. Has anyone read her books? I had no idea she was so religious. All those pages and pages of prayers....Dear God this, Dear god that..., blah blah blah... boring as fuck.
Her philosophy is based on "A Course In Miracles", written in the 1970s by some lady who god spoke to.

While you are at it, you might want to look into how cults work.


Well-Known Member
Her philosophy is based on "A Course In Miracles", written in the 1970s by some lady who god spoke to.

While you are at it, you might want to look into how cults work.
She’s closer to an anti-cult though. Self empowerment and improvement, that whole thing


Well-Known Member
i'm perfectly and 100% serious

i have been for tammy duckworth since the start. but she did not run.

i was also for julian castro since the start. he did run. people think he did well. he will hopefully rise in he polls.

but now i have seen and checked out marianne williamson. you can underestimate her at your own peril.

i will be voting for her in the primary barring something disqualifying, such as 23 separate rape allegations or a video of her describing how she rapes women. or her calling neo-nazis very fine people. or if she says windmills cause cancer. or if she advocates for raking of the forest. or if she says you need an ID to buy cereal.

if she does any of that i will vote for someone else. but otherwise i am immovable from Marianne WIlliamson.
I just saw Bueu of the 5th Column do an interview with her. She's starting to sound better everyday. Do you know Bueu? I think this site/intelligent posters would like him.
