marijuana growing (not) the easyest plant to grow


Well-Known Member
h2o2 ? use that to treat root rot? if so haw much, and haw often & haw long will i use it. can i use h2o2 at any stage of flower ?

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
1 tsp per gallon, and in your case i would recommend using from here on out if you have cut nutes already. are the roots slimy too? if your roots are getting slimy or there is a visible indication then you may as well go ahead and chop it.

last time i got root rot it basically killed all the fan leaves and stunted the plants growth


Well-Known Member
Is your room getting plenty of air movement? also, cloudy trichs is what I look for. Amber is the degration of Thc. Try flushing without the CarbLoad. I use it and love it, but when they are done, just ph'd water is chill.