marijuana halucinations?


Active Member
I hallucinated lie
It happened early in my tree smoking days
3 blunts split amongst only 3 people smoked consecutively in about 15 minutes

about 20 minutes later I was on a bed
trying to convince myself the hoodie hanging on the door
did not have a face in the hood and wasnt looking at me

needless to say i got out of there...only time ive ever hallucinated
it had ot have been the high THC intake and my low tolerance


Well-Known Member
I yearn for the days I could still get stoned off 3 joints... even on my own...
I probably have 3 with my first cuppa in the morning.


New Member
I yearn for the days I could still get stoned off 3 joints... even on my own...
I probably have 3 with my first cuppa in the morning.
That sounds fun tho lol.

At least be happy u can still smoke. IDK wtf is wrong with me but I can barely smoke anymore without freaking out and thinking Im having a heart attack or am gonna pass out. The last time I only took 3 hits and and felt like I was gonna faint. I keep trying to convince myself its anxiety and panic attacks, but in the back of my mind I always think I have some terminal illness and I cant shake that thought. Seriously Im embarassed and ashamed to tell ppl I cant even handle weed anymore lol. It sounds dumb when I write this out but the shit is actually pretty scary.


Well-Known Member
we belive you philly buddah,it happens,i know similar cases...
i stopped smoking ,like a pause of 2 weeks,to see how long can i handle it...
i started fucking drinking! 2l of beer minimum each my throat was hurting a weed is better,but beer is healthy also,


Well-Known Member
Lol, just have to stop smokeing for a little while to get the regular head back...
The figure on the other hand... never returns... its like a oneway rubberband


Well-Known Member
That sounds fun tho lol.

At least be happy u can still smoke. IDK wtf is wrong with me but I can barely smoke anymore without freaking out and thinking Im having a heart attack or am gonna pass out. The last time I only took 3 hits and and felt like I was gonna faint. I keep trying to convince myself its anxiety and panic attacks, but in the back of my mind I always think I have some terminal illness and I cant shake that thought. Seriously Im embarassed and ashamed to tell ppl I cant even handle weed anymore lol. It sounds dumb when I write this out but the shit is actually pretty scary.
Right, simply put on a couple of coloured lights in your usually getting high place and have a proper chillout CD on. You go into 'the dream' and stop thinking about your heart beat quite quickly, this is what I had to do. I can now easily smoke any where again. Also, I have to eat something anything up to 3 hours before smoking, because I was once sick on an empty stomach, which of course put me off for a while, so I just like to make sure i'm going to be comfortable.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you^ are getting ready to take A LOT of acid........................................................................................

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
ive been getting them now. Its crazy i think my shit is laced though. Its like dro but when i look at my camoflauge like desk are start seeing crazy graffiti in it. Its weird, almost undiscribable


New Member
Right, simply put on a couple of coloured lights in your usually getting high place and have a proper chillout CD on. You go into 'the dream' and stop thinking about your heart beat quite quickly, this is what I had to do. I can now easily smoke any where again. Also, I have to eat something anything up to 3 hours before smoking, because I was once sick on an empty stomach, which of course put me off for a while, so I just like to make sure i'm going to be comfortable.
I smoked a few days ago, and didnt have much of a problem as I usually do. The only problem was that my hands/feet were swollen (with blood) for some reason. I had just got done walking about a mile so that might have something to do with that.

I suspected that I might have some degree of POTS (look it up) after I nearly passed out once, and it said that staying hydrated especially with gatorade is really the only help for it, so I drank a full bottle before I smoked and my high was better. I also put on some music and it helped out. Ill try to do that from now on, the high was enjoyable for a while. My heart beat felt much better than normal also, normal and slightly elevated which is good and I barely noticed it. Nothing scary or hallucinations either, just a pretty relaxing high. Not anywhere near a perfect high as I still felt sick, but a step in the right direction I think.


Well-Known Member
Dude, that's awesome. When I don't smoke for a while and them smoke again and get REALLY high, or when I was first smoking, I would just get in this weird state of temporal ambiguity... When I looked at a clock, it sort of brought clarity, sort of like a window from the fog... It was weird. It hasn't happened recently because I smoke a lot now, so I don't get quite as high... Although I just had surgery so I haven't smoked for like 3 days... It'll be another 5 or 6 before I do again, so I'm definitely looking forward to that. (Plus I just got some incredible bud from boulder... mmmm man it smells SOOOOO good)


Active Member
Have you done any psychedelics? THC is known to cause flashbacks...everytime I smoke I trip to some degree..that includes aural and perceptory hallucinations


Active Member
went to the DAM in 98' smoked a quarter of purple haze,went back to my hotel an started trippin real good,bendy walls flashin lights in red an green,this was what ive been lookin 4 neva happend since :(


Well-Known Member
Philly: That's good mate, some improvements better than none. Probably a bit of a hypo-chondriac like me mate, thinking somethings always going to go wrong, but since i've been relaxing with the music and everything I stop thinking about all that. Sickness, just don't think about it.

Sliffin - That's what i'm now looking for, don't want to move onto acid or anything though hehe

Where can you get decent Purple Haze now? I've heard that it's not proper Purple Haze anymore. I want some of Jimi Hendrix's inspiration :D


Well-Known Member
Lol you don't "move on" to acid, You may do it a select few times... it is a twosided sword.


Well-Known Member
i make edibles that make most people come back the next day or call me and say something like "Dude that was so insane i literally was tripping" and i know some of these people have had some of the best acid around (ive also taken some). I think that would be the only way to "Trip" on THC is eating it


Active Member
Some people get high, some people get HIGH!!!!!!!!!!Like me.....

If I smoke too much I get fuzzed up, driving is out of the question and talking is way too much. I need 1 big ol fatty BH and I am medicated to the brain, enjoying it all.......Buddies of mine puff all day and its only a habit to them.


Well-Known Member
it gets boring if you puff all day and every day,make selection,say like today im not smoking,and tommorow im gona get ruined ^^