Marijuana.. Legal in Colorado.

What did the taxes end up being i read 55% a few months back. We will see if the feds come out. I'm sure everyone is watching. Isnt there is a 17% thc maximum?
Happy Green Indepedence Day! Props to CO & WA for having the balls to go first. 48 states to go.
It said on the news that it was a 25% tax after the sales tax Idk if it's true I don't live in Colorado
7g 102$ I would never pay that

So a 600w light has the potential of making over 8000$ a harvest, wow why sell cocaine?
Yeah $440 an oz makes my homegrown taste all that sweeter but people are standing in line out in the snow to pay it.

I agree lol. No way I would pay that. Two ounces and you got yourself a setup that will produce enough to expand within one grow cycle.
top notch zips on the street going for 120 bux.
This shit will never fly.

Damn... That's cheap.. I wish I could find that price lol. Might have to move from my current location....actually..nah I'll keep growing my own for next to nothing...
Holy shit, I voted no on those taxes. All this is going to do is feed the black market. Every resident who smokes any considerable amount will just get their red card and then avoid buying retail tax bracket.

But those tourists are going to be pumping tax dollars into colorado, probably to be wasted on enforcement bs but im sure other uses will be there as well.
Damn... That's cheap.. I wish I could find that price lol. Might have to move from my current location....actually..nah I'll keep growing my own for next to nothing...

I wish I hadn't, it's ALMOST got me talked out of growing my own.
Who cares what they're charging for it? Honestly, never thought a bunch of stoners would love to find the negative in anything and being a site for growers, I'd think most people here grew their own ffs..
I can't remember the last time I had to buy a bag personally, but I can remember the last time I was in jail for under a gram of cannabis, something people in these two states will never have to worry about again ..
But yeah, let's just be pissed off that willing people are paying $400 / oz instead of being grateful people aren't spending time in jail over it anymore .. what was I ever thinking ..
I agree lol. No way I would pay that. Two ounces and you got yourself a setup that will produce enough to expand within one grow cycle.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it from a legal shop now, I'm sure ti black market will still exist .. so who cares if a cop stops you with an ounce that you got from a dealer vs. an ounce you got from the pot shop?
The results are the same, no jail time, and isn't that the important part here after all?