Marijuana Legalization : Day One


Well-Known Member
Obama is the chief executive. The head DEA schmuck reports to him one way or another. If Obama wated to re-schedule pot or end the war on the weed, he'd do more than posture.

Your head is so far up his ass you can see UNCLE BUCKS feet. Obama is an authoritarian prohibitionist, deal with it, selling it any other way is pretty damn weak.
hey if I was in a tight race for re election
I wouldnt back legalization until after the election either

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I actually used to dress poultry
in our "facility" we didnt have a USDA inspector
so were limited to just dressing poultry for private parties and a hunting club
In order to of butcher poultry for resale we would need a full time inspector
Want more info
and methamphetamines are illegal too. i guess nobody has those anywhere.

the USDA talks a great game, and makes lots of rules, but strangely are absent from any place where they claim they are required to be. again i have NEVER SEEN A USDA INSPECTOR (or FDA either)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
hey if I was in a tight race for re election
I wouldnt back legalization until after the election either

That is pretty close to the most horse shit answer I've ever heard. The dickwad in chief is a p-r-o-h-i-b-i-t-i-o-n-i-s-t . Are you seriously continuing to argue that fact ?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
hey if I was in a tight race for re election
I wouldnt back legalization until after the election either
he wasnt in a tight race when he appointed cockbreath to be AG,, or when he doubletalked his way to "not focusing" on patients, just their doctors and pharmacists. he wasnt in a tight re-election bid when he decided to keep to bush'[s withdrawal plan despite his promises otherwise, he wasnt in a tight race when he sprinted away from his No Lobbyists promise like his balls were on fire. if he hadnt broken every promise he made (except the ones to insurance companies) he would not BE in a tight race. he would be gettin my vote.

the only promise he kept was Hope and Change so now i Hope we can Change presidents before the country circles the drain.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
he aint gonna do no good if he doesnt get re-elected
You want Romney in there?
And dont bring up Paul
that dog dont hunt
So you support a person willing to continue to incarcerate, home invade and generally fuck over people ? THAT DOG don't hunt.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Agreed. Most politicians are just dogs, period.

I have a good friend doing time because of prohibition. These situations are not hypothetical to many of us.
As long as the prohibition remains, just about anyone who does not comply can run that risk. Ivory towers are nice but you can still go to jail from them.


Well-Known Member
So you support a person willing to continue to incarcerate, home invade and generally fuck over people ? THAT DOG don't hunt.
Then what is your explanation for the medical dispensaries that are still allowede to operate?
And you know damn well Romney will shut them all down

So what is your choice?
Choose the guy that has some leeway and could possibly legalize it at the federal level
Or pick the rich guy with the nice hair who will shut them all down?


Well-Known Member
You guys are bunch of reasonable motherfuckers. I was hoping for a little more marijuana conspiracy on this thread. To predict what they might do, it would valuable to know why they're keeping it illegal to begin with. I used to think it was just a relic from the Nixon days, doubled down by Reagan, and as the public opinion shifted, they would shift too. I no longer believe that. I thought the Bush administration was douchey about medical marijuana, but Obama is making Bush look like Bob Marley. With the recent crackdown on dispensaries it seems like they're as aggressive as they've been since the Just Say No days. With 3/4 of America in favor of legal medicinal marijuana, and 50% in favor of full legalization, it boggles the mind that neither Barack or Mitt wouldn't want to throw some support that way to engage some people in an otherwise dull election season.

Sure the truth is probably dull. The issue may have been poll tested perhaps it had bigger negatives than positives for a candidate. Maybe there is some perfectly reasonable explanation for doing the full court press on dispensaries. But fuck all that! I much prefer the theories about one industry or another colluding with the government to keep it illegal. I think I read that the DEA is going to take another look at marijuana in October and possibly reclassify it. Kind of odd since they just friggin looked at it last year. Maybe the Sativex theory is right. Maybe they'll drop it down to schedule 3 and the FDA will approve Sativex and the gov't will just continue to enforce federal law as they have been. Maybe the gov't is really in the drug dealing business and they need to keep it illegal and expensive because all that cool secret spy shit the CIA has doesn't pay for itself. Either way, they''l tell all the states that they can't legalize weed. The police won't mind. If they couldn't make arrests by chasing down pot heads, they might have to actually solve crimes for living and that shit is hard work.

Seriously, though. I think there will be some federal resistance. If, for whatever reason, they have some motivation to keep it illegal, I'm not sure why they let public opinion get so high. The government could have done one of those aggressive anti pot propaganda campaigns to tilt the numbers in their favor.
How do you pay a bribe without large black markets? How do you run massive black ops campaigns off the books without large black markets?

How do you ensure large black markets? Keep stuff illegal that a lot of people don't feel is actually immoral or wrong that they enjoy doing or using.