Mary showing some deficencies, yellow and brown leaves

Hi guys, just wondering what the problems with the leaves are. The 1st set of true leaves rotted off and its started on the 2nd bigger set. Was looking around the internet at the 1st signs and thought it was calcium def, but im not convinced. I've only fed her twice in her 4 week life so i don't thin its nute burn.

I was wondering if the flowering nutes would fix this but I dont even know what nutes i can get where i live.

Any tips? Thanks guys!SDC10058.jpgSDC10059.jpgSDC10060.jpg


Well-Known Member
i dont think flowering nutes are the answer m8, maybe go in with a smaller dose of the food your using, say 1/4 or 1/3 strengh, see where that takes you, but i deffs wouldent use flower nutes m8.

it may not be the frequency of feeding that's the problem, but the amount of nutrients used?
they look nice and green apart from the 'burn' <?
yeah shes producing pistols at a fast rate but its just them leaves, just dont want it to become a problem later. i only used 1/4 strength for the 2 feeds but i was going to boost it to 1/2 strength see if it helps