Mastodon kush, Trainwreck, Jack herer- Greenhouse Grow!


Well-Known Member
I spend a fare amount of time reading and enjoying the knowledge passed through this site. Thought I'd post my grow.
Biggest plant- Mastodon Kush, started mid may. 25gal pot, roots organics soil with added 11 part compost 70:30 mix.
Second biggest- Trainwreck, started end of april. 20gal pot. Same soil mix.
Smallest plant- Jack Herer, started late may. 15 gal pot. Same soil mix.
Feeding with General Organics and bat guano. Started feeding with Hi-Brix this week.
Started indoors, moved outdoors during the day, supplemented light until around 4/20. They've been in a 15X8 greenhouse on an automatic watering system 2X a day. Supplemented with Cal/Mag once a week.
There are silk flowers on top of the plants to kind of help disguise them from the air. If anybody is watching I guess. Trainwreck and jackh starting good bud formation. . Thanks for viewing.



Well-Known Member
Out-fukin-standing trooper! :clap: They look very healthy :hump: And who doesn't have some yellow fan leaves at this time of year? Great job and keep us posted! :bigjoint:

Good Luck the rest of the way home :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah. The temps in the greenhouse pushing over 100. So I have to hit them twice a day with water. Which is making it hard to keep any kind of nutes in the soil. They have been coming back around now that I've been watering by hand. I only use the auto water system during veg. But yeah, I'm not worried about the yellow leaves. It's all part of the process.


Well-Known Member
Update. Things seem to be moving along smooth. Trainwreck is going to finish well ahead of the jackh & mastodonk. Hoping the mold resistant trait it's supposed to have does the trick right now. Still humid as shit out. Group shot, trainw back left, jackh front, and mkush. Single shot was from a low side branch on the trainw.



Well-Known Member
Those "roses" have sure got some BIG buds :weed: Still lookin' fine ^5

I live in a low humidity area and only put my ladies under plastic in the evenings and I am concerned about air flow during flowering. As I notice the tent is more humid, in the mornings, when I let the girls out to play :eyesmoke: I've got a couple battery powered fans on order. So I'd echo the above poster's suggestion, if you don't already have it under control.

Good Luck the rest of the way :peace: