Max days u think an auto will flower b4 trich decay QUESTION!


Active Member
no one said anything about decaying bud but then again coming from you ignorance is bliss..... lol


Active Member
Iknow what your saying seanel. I too think it might be intresting just out of curiosity/ how it might make the properties of the bud different for good or bad. I would try it, but im on my first grow, so id rather see what im capable of producing/quality. Maybe 2nd grow. I like where your heads at though.
Stay lifted


Active Member
lol thanks man thats good to hear that not everyone is an ignorant ass lol.. i never said anything about bud decay i know that cbd comes later in the flowering period so i was think as far as medicine goes maybe i could get more cbd if i let my plants go longer.. no bud rot no mold.. just looking for a smoother more refined mature taste.. Thanks for stopping in you made my day with this... i wasnt actually asking anyone to do the experiment for me either i was just asking ppl from experience what they had encountered with autos and how many days they let them flower b4 havesting and why? Im doing this experament myself i have 7 autos and my mother ak47 x Northern lights going in my flower room. I am going to take one of my 60day lemons down when the trichs start to amber and my other one identical in size grow, pheno and structure, i am going to pull after all trichs are amber even if i have to pull one bud off at a time i will it will be easy to stay out of to get a final weight.. So anyone wanna know how to push their autos as far as they will go for max yeild and quality stay tuned... Been growing for 13 years and here is my first ever auto run cause i wanna put these bad boys outside next year... well if i dont do this indoor grow i wont know if they are worth going outdoors next year... c i have to walk miles to tend to my plants i cant just put the shit in my backyard so i have to go thru proper steps to get satisfying results. so is two havests better than one... depends on a lot mostly the plant itself.. which is why i want to push the potential and durability of these autoflowers... Call me crazy or stupid just keep in mind this is my thread so call me all u want but keep it to yourself.. as for brownbad and fuckjeffgoldbloom... THANKS GUYS FOR STOPPING IN {REP+ if you ever need anything or have any questions hit me up..


Active Member
thanks for the add and the subb. Enjoy the ride man should be a pleasant one.. Tuned in just in time really .. best part... BUDS! i dont care to look at leaves thats for sure.. lol all about the bud..