Max number of plants in 4x8 area


So ive got 12 clones currently in my 4x4 veg and am quickly running out of room. I am still fairly new at all this so would anybody see an issue with me trying to flower them all in my 4x8? They've been nearly 5 weeks from the day of clone and have nearly filled my entire 4x4. Do we see a problem with flipping them now and flower for 10 weeks? Should I throw a few outside ? Wish I Wouldve taken pics last night but can get some tonight

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How tall are they?

Keeping in mind that they may likely dbl in size.....

Yeah, go for it! You should have no real problems, unless the plants are too big to begin with..

Bloom them at about 24 inch's tall......They should fall between 3 and 4 ft at harvest.....You could go as far as 28 inch's or so to flip.

Limiting factors:
Height - supercrop as they get to tall
radius - lollypop/train the mains with stakes to "fit" your needs
Lighting - be sure you have enough...

Hmm, how many can you?
Be fun to try 128 - 1 gallon light warrior pots as a SOG run....


Well-Known Member
My only suggestion would be to make sure you have good air circulation and access to all the plants so you can pull them out individually and give them attention without it being too much of a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
So ive got 12 clones currently in my 4x4 veg and am quickly running out of room. I am still fairly new at all this so would anybody see an issue with me trying to flower them all in my 4x8? They've been nearly 5 weeks from the day of clone and have nearly filled my entire 4x4. Do we see a problem with flipping them now and flower for 10 weeks? Should I throw a few outside ? Wish I Wouldve taken pics last night but can get some tonight
32 in 1 gal pots not topped, short veg. 16 in 2 gal topped. Good starting point anyway.


Well-Known Member
I allow 2'x2' per adult plant. Most often the plants do not get the memo on this restriction so staking them is in order. I ran a 4x8 room before....eight plants were fat and happy in there. I grew in #3 pots and plants averaged around 4'-5' tall.


Well-Known Member
Thank u all got advise. Please keep it coming! I'm open to ideas. Don't wanna run a trellis for this flower. I think we're ending week5 from clone date. Can I flip now ? A week?
You can flip anytime you want. How tall/big do you want to them to end up? You can count on them doubling in size when you flip....sometimes triple.

At five weeks you have a good root system going in those, so you should do fine.


Well my tent is 7' and lights hangers are probly take up 1 And 1/2 feet so I should be able to grow 5' tall ish ?


Well-Known Member
Everyone will have a different judgement for this because you can use different pot sizes. The main key here is filling up your room by training (Either LST or scrogging in my opinion) could be done heavily on one plant vegged for a long time to fit that room, or you can do what most people do fill it up a space like that using 4-8+ plants since the veg time is a lot quicker.

You'll get the most weed per watt if you're whole room or the area your light is focusing on is filled to the edge. I do think its nice to have some space in a grow room for fans and it allows air circulation, temps, and humidity easier to manage,

Example: If you have enough light for a 4x4 room, might be nice to have a 4x8 just to have room to have strong fans, electrical stuff, and other gear on the side that isnt being used it give the weed more fresh air to use since the room wont be full of plants. If you have CO2 great intake fan letting in lots of fresh air this shouldn't be a problem for a room tight to the brim with plants.
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If i can please ask another question, what are your thoughts on when to lollipop and how for into flower can we clone?


Well-Known Member
If i can please ask another question, what are your thoughts on when to lollipop and how for into flower can we clone?
For indoor plants under 4 feet tall i like to wait until i switch to flower to start the lollipopping, week 1-2 is the longest you should wait to lollipop. I tested this on my indoor grow last year and lollipopping it after week 4+ flower only stunted the bud growth and many others say it has a chance to hermy as well (Luckily didn't happen for me)

I always lollipop, my outdoor is a bit big right now so i decided to lollipop a little early, helps with bugs/mold by clearing the bottom of your plant too but if you have the right temps/humidity and took the right precautions bugs and mold should not be a worry for a contained indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
What's a list of light your using?

I got a 4*8 tent and only got one 600 hps centred for the time being, will be adding another and have 1200 watts of hps over y total 4*8 tent.