Max sea and ffof


Well-Known Member
I have plants in 20 gallon smart pots.the soil is comprised of 1 part ffof to three parts pro mix question is do I run the risk of Neut burn or any ill affects if I feed 1 table maxsea to a gallon per week for each plant?


Well-Known Member
How's the smell of the Maxsea? You know, after you water or spray with it.... Is it strong? Is it slightly or strongly offensive?



Well-Known Member
I have never burned a plant with Maxsea & I always use 1tbls per gallon, even on seedlings. Maxsea is very strong but very forgiving. I know guy's feeding 3tbls per gallon once a week & get phenomenal growth, but that's too scarry for me to try.....
I'm scared to go past 1 teaspoon. But thy look kinda N hungry since they are starting to flower. Should I bump it up to 2 tsp per gal? I'm scurred lol


Well-Known Member
I put 1 tbs per g so my mix ends up being 2.5 cups and I give it a bump of .5 cups of urea (46-0-0) once a month or so.