Maximize yeild


Well-Known Member
this is a 8 bucket system with 6 plants. i have a constant ppm/ph meters, 2 600w lumatek ballasts in air cooled tubes, using kool bloom liquid and g/h 3 part. should i add a 600 or a 1000?what else can i do?:weed: i want to max this and i need to expand my techniques. please help



Active Member
personally, I would raise the lights about a foot and place all the plants in a line directly under the lights it appears that one side of the plants against the wall aren't getting any light. There won't be any buds on that side. If the plants are directly under the lights in a row, then all sides will recieve some light. 2600 watts should be good enough for 6 plants, but if you can afford more lights and your breaker box can handle the extra amperage, then obviously more light is better. I would make additional plans to control the heat.


Well-Known Member
okay i got 2 more 600 lumatek in cool tubes. I am going to add those as mh. is 2400 w over kill? i dont really think so. u guys?


Well-Known Member
your plants look better than 90% of the attempts on this site - why mess with success?

sorry to say, but you have not gotten the best advice on lighting. your two 600 watt systems are providing almost 10,000 lumens per square ft, which is somewhat higher than what the sun puts out. "more light" is not always better, you have reached the point where the trouble of extra heat is not worth the benefit of extra light.

return the two mh lights or use them alone for vegging. keep using the two hps lights for flowering. you can use the hps lights for vegging without too much difference.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with you somewhat...he should keep at least 1 of the MH and keep both MH & HPS for both vegging AND flowering...mixing the 2 lights together is will produce better bud...GUARENTEED and proven.


Well-Known Member
your plants look better than 90% of the attempts on this site - why mess with success?

sorry to say, but you have not gotten the best advice on lighting. your two 600 watt systems are providing almost 10,000 lumens per square ft, which is somewhat higher than what the sun puts out. "more light" is not always better, you have reached the point where the trouble of extra heat is not worth the benefit of extra light.

return the two mh lights or use them alone for vegging. keep using the two hps lights for flowering. you can use the hps lights for vegging without too much difference.
but if he can take care of the heat..looks like he can..then is that still bad..?