May 1st ok?


Some one has a similar post already but he started his indoor. Can i start my 6" clone i pick up from a club in southern cali on may 1st? The light cycles and stuff still confuse me. any pros and cons or is it just right?


o cool.. i found that site you linked before but i didn't understand how it helped. Is it because were nearing the 14 hours of light days?


New Member
Anything past 12 hours will promote vigorous vegging outside. Usually you get veg with ASCENDING light (more each day), and flowering with DESCENDING light (less each day).

Outside weed is FAR more flexible in light schedule than indoors. You could plant right now if you wish to. As long as you have 5 hours of direct sunlight AND temps above 50 degrees daytime...weed will grow. The warmer...the better...obviously. Only a freeze and a deep one will kill weed temp wise.


^ ^ thanks man.. Ill start a grow journal soon. Looking forward to your input. 2 blue dreams and a cotton candy kush. As soon as this shitty weather dies down ill go pick em up.


Just cloudy weather right now but supposed to rain over the next few days.. some system from the west or something.. its going to be 65high 55 low over the next few days.. then it should go up and up with clear blue skies.


Well-Known Member
You could always pick them up and keep them going under a few cfls or something until you can put them in the ground. I dont put anything into the ground until it is about 6 inches at least, if the clones are already rooted and at that height they can go in right away, after the rain of course. Why wait until may 1st? The sooner they are in the sun the better. Being 6 inches already on may 1s t they will be some big girls, my white rhino didnt get started until may last year, from seed, it was in the woods in almost complete shade for about 2 weeks, then got moved into the sun, and it still grew to be 7 feet tall. Which isnt necessarily big, but for starting late, and being in bad conditions for a few weeks, not bad.


Originally i said may 1st because that's when i could get the clones.. i would of already started otherwise.. i do not have cfls unfortunately nor can i really grow inside. I was going to put them in a more shady part of the yard till they get tall enough to root and handle the full power of the sun. Any other suggestions for getting the clones off to a good start would be helpful.

o yea and jax. looks like even after may 1st i will get 7 weeks of ascending light. will it push into flower automatically soon after it starts to descend? I can hassle the guy to give them to me a week early and get 8 weeks if it would make a big difference.


New Member
Yes...if not before.... but no worries.... outside..weed has a lot of wiggle room. It is only indoors where strict light schedules must be adhered to.