maybe i'm really dumb..


Active Member
....... but if i get a little light damage on my roots (from being a noob) is that plant doomed or can it turn out ok, it's still only a week old, looks perfectly healthy..
click on my journal for pix!!:hug:



Well-Known Member
What do you mean,why would your roots receive enough light to damage them???On purpose,or your container is not light proof??


Active Member
the latter, i bought an aeroponic system online and it came with a clear tub, i didn't realize(until now) that the light was strong enough to damage my roots, they are only cfls after all.....


Well-Known Member
It should recover, as long as you have green leaves you have a chance of roots repairing, after all clones start with no roots at all.


Well-Known Member
I root my clones in a aero tub that is clear. The only problem I get is with algae, so as long as I clean my rez at MINIMUM every two weeks, I get no problems. So in other words your roots will be fine, weed is a tough plant.


Active Member
thanks for the help and encouragement... sometimes i get overworried and panicky! lol. first time i tried from seed in a bubbler..


Active Member
well only a day after fixing my light problem things are looking up, the roots look a lot better already! : )


Well-Known Member
yea i dont even understand them even makin a clear tube for that :o the geto look is a hell of alot better then light and a clear tube..... geez that dont even make since... algae grows VERY fast .


Active Member
yea i dont even understand them even makin a clear tube for that :o the geto look is a hell of alot better then light and a clear tube..... geez that dont even make since... algae grows VERY fast .
yeah, i bought it on ebay, go figure...