Mazari fems. 350watts CFL's


Active Member
Aggie & Nigella have been harvested at day 60 of 12/12. Might have gone a bit longer but not much and as I planned to reveg I would say this is the ideal point. Top is Aggies buds and below are Nigella's.... initial trim up but fairly close trim. Clarissas have just gone into an (open) jar, I wont seal the jar for a few more days yet though. No wet weights for you, I prefer dry weight and besides since the boys in blue removed my scales (along with everything else) a couple of years back I have never replaced them. Btw, tam the outdoor NL reveg pictures above was the last outdoor plant I grew :-( That was taken in summer 2007 and I was busted a few months later! I might still have some bud shots somewhere though....... I did at least get my PC returned. Cant do it in the garden anymore for obvious reasons :sad:

Have decided to go with a reveg of the 2 plants and to keep this thread running. Plants trimmed up, bit left on, got a general shape in mind for the future, so its back to 18/6. Day 1.



Yo MS, tasty looking buds man, good work. I just confirmed that my 2 co-potted plants are both girls!! I mention this as i remember reading a thread where you commented that you'd co-potted before (think it was called 3 in a bed or something like that). Did you notice any difference in plant growth? I ask because Mary-Kate is a lot bigger than Ashley even though they were planted and vegged at the same time. I did think about trying to section off the roots, but figured i'd leave it be as an experiment and see how it got on. Mary-Kate showed sex before Ashley, but now Ashley is on it like a bonnet, pumping out pistils like a trooper. Mary-Kate remains fairly stable just plodding along doing her thing. I've also noticed a bit of stretch in between nodes. Does this impact bud growth? Guess i'm trying to work out if its a good or bad thing, main 300w cfl is only 1.5" from top of Mary-Kate. Any thoughts or receipe suggestion gratefully received. Go on the UK (am also a UK CFL grower, keeping the faith)


Well-Known Member
You lucky bugger I wish my harvest looked like that:wall:

are you expecting more than an ounce from each of them? And what's the smoke like from the first on you chopped( I forgot her name ). And good luck with the reveg mate it's good that you are continuing this thread


Active Member
You lucky bugger I wish my harvest looked like that:wall:

are you expecting more than an ounce from each of them? And what's the smoke like from the first on you chopped( I forgot her name ). And good luck with the reveg mate it's good that you are continuing this thread
Thank everyone for the comments.

Tam, I reckon the total will be around 2.5 OZ dry, not massive from 3 plants but more than enough for me.

The first of the mazar harvested is dry enough to smoke and its good. Got more taste already than the Northern Lights I've been smoking recently, quite sweet and its got a lovely smell to it, 'piney' the wife said :-)

I'm going to reveg Aggie and also veg up one of the clones I cut from her. I'll give them both 3 weeks from today then bang them into flower. I'm planning to follow up with more clones but this time in coco using the canna coco nutes.

I reckon you will do well with that HPS mate, I bet you well beat the last yield what with temps picking up too.


Well-Known Member
Hey MS, I was wondering about the DWS setup you started these babies in? are you planning to go back to it? or has company killed that plan?


Active Member
Sweet grow ms. Looks like you need a bigger stash tin :)

V12 :-) Good to hear from you again mate, have you got a grow on atm?

jjmd: I'm planning now to move into coco instead. The more I read about coco the more convinced I am its the way to go.

hazex, CFL's are good :-) I would have to say that HPS = higher yields given the same wattage but no difference at all in terms of quality of the buds.

fditty: I'm liking the Mazar :bigjoint: I have been smoking Kush and Northern Lights for close on a year now and this makes a real change. Lovely taste and aroma as I said , the high is great, uplifting I find it, very strong but not at all heady, mellow and relaxing, just what I like :-) How do you find it?

NovemberHotel: Hi mate, I did multiplant and never found it an issue at all, I'd say its more down to genetics, some are shorter than others. Like the names :-) Good luck.



Its 10 days since the chop....time flies! I'm going with 'Aggie' and one of her cuttings 'Delia' (wife chose that one ;-)). Took a few pics so you can see how fast you begin to see the new growth starting. Right down low, new bright green leaf just starting (see close up). I had her out of the pot, added a couple of inches of fresh soil in the bottom, roots look fine and healthy, plenty of room to grow still.

Other pics show Delia, she was a flowering cutting and I held her back until needed but you can see shes now getting going again.

Going to give them 3 more weeks before flowering.

fditty: Couple of the fresh buds from 'Clarissa' nicely dry and everything else is curing in the jars :-)




Well-Known Member
Great pics ms. Thx.
My little pc case is still doing its funky stuff.
I have some new toys and genetics in there now and the combination has knocked things out of kilter a little, so I'm just ironing out the issues before I post another journal. It's all looking promising though. Once I'm dialled back in I should be seeing a marked improvement over previous efforts.
I took a pic last night for your microgrow appreciation thread that I'll post up, just so you know there's life in the old dog yet :)


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3681205]I love your grows MS

im watching and leaning :)[/QUOTE]

Hi SICC, thanks mate :-) I'm just about to check out your girls again.

REVEG DAY 13. 18/6 200watts CFL's.

I have switched the lights down to 200watts for vegging, more than enough. Plain water all the way, gave them a spray of the SMC, preventative.

OK, you can clearly now see the new shoots at the bottom, about another week and we should see this starting all over the tops :-) I like to think of them as new individual little babies! each will grow thick and strong stems in a few weeks and each will produce a new cola when its time to flower again. The beauty is that you grow from an established and healthy root system, thats what I like about reveg.

Delia is also doing well, starting to branch out now. Both have 3 weeks more to veg on.

More pics, I'll focus on those new shoots as they grow back :-) . Also a shot in the cab, mother and baby doing nicely and growing side by side :bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
yeh i am looking forward to this as well...always wanted to see a reveg in action
yeah same here aswell " watch and learn " should I say.

Hi ms everythings looking good, I havnt checked ur grow out for a little while and havnt even looked in the cfl section for a week!! U can probably guess my eyes have been focused on HID, cfl's are and have been great but HID fits in with me alot easier.

Good luck on the reveg mate, I got my new journal started in the Indoor section
