MDMA Addiction


bud bootlegger
those posts are great..I actually got in a better mood just now!!..thanks guys!!!
i could sit around and smash apple products with a very large hammer all day long.. shit, they don't even need to be broken, nor do i need to get paid for my service to the world..


Well-Known Member
My next comp will probably be a hackintosh because fuck windows and linux is too much of a headache for my needs.


Well-Known Member're all sound..I almost posted I'm gonna chill out for a sec on the h.s. thread...instead I am gonna STAY here and be a real mofo..(dig) very dire mental straights,i myself consume lsd to figure shit out..I'm gonna take a little fluff and a little silver now. I need grounding..too much chaos in my life..ill be back in a few to turn this shit around...


bud bootlegger
My next comp will probably be a hackintosh because fuck windows and linux is too much of a headache for my needs.
i don't have anything against their products per se, i just don't care for the company, nor the sheeple who tend to buy their products..

oh did you hear the new iphone 18 just came out?? it's only one billion dollars, and has one minor up grade over the iphone 17.. really, shit, let me go stand in line for four days and buy one, by all means..


Well-Known Member
i don't have anything against their products per se, i just don't care for the company, nor the sheeple who tend to buy their products..

oh did you hear the new iphone 18 just came out?? it's only one billion dollars, and has one minor up grade over the iphone 17.. really, shit, let me go stand in line for four days and buy one, by all means..
There is soooo much filthy money buying broken apple shit and fixing it....also in my line of work I get to recycle electronics instead of them going in the dumps......

I LOVE the sheeple that buy apple product they are my bread and butter man


Well-Known Member
Haha..I took silver(thinner paper) and was like'why am I not chewing cardboard'..then I realized I dropped 2 hits in my dresser..oh well..guess its time to veg...ill see yous on the music thread later...I'm def NOT sleeping.


Well-Known Member
Is it weird I can tell the different paper textures/crystals by chewing?...I guess I gonna kill AM BEING TOTTALY AN ASS..AND I AM JOKING.FUCK TRIPPY MAYNE.