Me and a friend are disputing. Help end this.


Active Member
Ok so heres the deal. Me and my friend are sitting here smoking and I started making fun of his baby hits. He likes to use this microscopic bowl and smoke like 10-15 hits off of what would take me half of a lung full through my bong. I usually take 1-2 huge rips off of a bong. I mean HUGE. I actually enjoy the cough because i feel like it brings on some extra disoriented-ness. I was questioning this because I am arguing that flooding your lungs with dense smoke has a very big and instant effect that cannot be matched by taking very small, mostly oxygen filled hits. So as weirdly worded of a question as this is, 'do you get the same effect from taking an equal amount of very small rips compared to one or two large ones?'


Active Member
Me and my pals often have the same argument, i would roll like u, settin up nice big bowels and takin 1 or 2 hits, my friend would take the same amount over say 3 bowels. I think i get a more instant effect due to the volume, but due to coughin and all that good bit be wasted, my mate never really wastes any, always inhales everylast drop a smoke but ive tried it his way and it lacks the intensity, never feel fulfilled always end up packin a big un! that ait settled anythin but does show different strokes for different folks!


Active Member
My friend aint, we would smoke the same amount, he just take his time at smoke it slowly over few bowels and relax. i get mine straight into me, 1 bowel, bit a coughin, then mong.


New Member
I usually take 1-2 huge rips off of a bong. I mean HUGE. I actually enjoy the cough because i feel like it brings on some extra disoriented-ness.

You sound like something David Caradine would do!

I"m like your buddy in that I like to savor the smoke and have more control of my high. If I cough too much I can feel herniating in my crotch! Not good.


Undercover Mod
Thats cool Robert.

Anyways yeah I like the big bong rips. But like previously stated its all about personal preference.


Active Member
That herniating feelin is exactly what ended my 3year relationship with mr gravity bong!


Active Member
Over here G bongd are like a way off life, test a your masculinitie, everyone smokes them just to look brave, bigger the bucket, bigger your balls. But as ya get older ya get wiser, move onto some less rash glass and a nice bowel. (still keep the G bong for special occassions and bouts of depression)


Well-Known Member
I usually pack a bowl and smoke on it for an hour or so. I never get balls fuck stoned, but I'm high/buzzed all day; I rarely run out of weed where my friends who smoke big bowls all the time do.


Active Member
I have a sensitive throat and big hits always make me cough balls, so I'm the type that sits on a bowl for an hour before it's completely finished. That's also why I prefer pipes to bongs. Bongs and bubblers just blast me with too much smoke at once for my feeble throat.


Active Member
It only takes so much weed to get high. After that your smoking for nothing dudes. Take a good hit off the pipe, HOLD it in for a minute or so then let it out slowly while enjoying the taste. Wait ten minutes or so to savor the high coming on. Marathons are run slow my friends. You also save your weed for the next hightime.