Meanwhile, on Parler

You guys keep stoking the fire. This isn't gonna help anything. If people can't use their voices to express themselves what do you think they'll do next. I was taught to try to resolve differences through talking, but if you take that away this is gonna be a dangerous country in no time.

I feel like I'm gonna regret jumping into the politics room but real talk, I have a honest question. we seem to get along when discussing weed tho and I can see you are trying to have a legit conversation so let me ask a few questions and maybe you can help me understand maybe something I'm missing or vice versa. Definitely not trying to argue. Just trying to understand bc a lot of this just makes no sense to me.

can you explain why you think people can't express themselves? do you agree that expressing discontent is one thing, plotting and carrying out violence that results in people dying is another? so as long as things as civil why can't ppl still use facebook/Twitter or any other website? no one is banned there bc of political party or religious affiliation. that would be actual discrimination. so I dont see how rights are being denied?

I honestly think its a false equivalency to a place like China or NK where just saying you disagree with the political system will get you locked up. thats not what's happening here, and I think its trivializing real oppressed people to pretend that it is. no offense.

also gonna be honest. the argument you are making sounds a lot like what abusive alcoholics say when they beat their wives and kids. "look what you made me do to you". Sometimes life doesn't go how we planned, doesn't give us the right to start killing people because of it.

last thing. you do realize that repealing Section 230 would most likely mean the end of RIU and any online forums right? it is one of the key things that let the internet flourish for the last 25 yrs. If that is taken away then whoever owns RIU could get sued for anything illegal that gets posted on here including text and photos. this is the one that I have the hardest time with. Repealing Section 230 is going to lessen your freedoms, and make it so only the super rich or corporations can afford to publish any website or app with user generated content. Can't figure out how Republicans want more government oversight and regulations for private businesses?
See you the sheep for not getting what he said ?? He said stop saying that bc he has an opinion opposite of yours he is wrong... the democrat party is the one who has the legislation ideas about taking guns away.

Sometimes being a goat will take you down the wrong path..
You should listen to something besides Rush Limbaugh.
You should listen to something besides Rush Limbaugh.
They got censored
Talk-Radio Owner Threatens to Fire Hosts Who Dispute Election Results
Did you know that a private company already owns the whole internet? Yea, america sold it to them a while back. Pretty weird, something you'd think we would keep.

well, thats not true. I am a software engineer and am pretty up to date and im pretty sure I would have heard if "the internet" got sold.

if you are referring to ICANN no longer being exclusively under US oversight as of 2016, that was by design, in its charter if i am not mistaken. any one country having complete control over domain name registration and IP assignment would be a potential threat to the whole world at this point. Imagine if we were taken over by hostile forces, domestic or foreign and they shut off the internet because they didn't agree with it. I fail to see a problem.
well, thats not true. I am a software engineer and am pretty up to date and im pretty sure I would have heard if "the internet" got sold.

if you are referring to ICANN no longer being exclusively under US oversight as of 2016, that was by design, in its charter if i am not mistaken. any one country having complete control over domain name registration and IP assignment would be a potential threat to the whole world at this point. Imagine if we were taken over by hostile forces, domestic or foreign and they shut off the internet because they didn't agree with it. I fail to see a problem.
These trumpers just make shit up as they go along.
I feel like I'm gonna regret jumping into the politics room but real talk, I have a honest question. we seem to get along when discussing weed tho and I can see you are trying to have a legit conversation so let me ask a few questions and maybe you can help me understand maybe something I'm missing or vice versa. Definitely not trying to argue. Just trying to understand bc a lot of this just makes no sense to me.

can you explain why you think people can't express themselves? do you agree that expressing discontent is one thing, plotting and carrying out violence that results in people dying is another? so as long as things as civil why can't ppl still use facebook/Twitter or any other website? no one is banned there bc of political party or religious affiliation. that would be actual discrimination. so I dont see how rights are being denied?

I honestly think its a false equivalency to a place like China or NK where just saying you disagree with the political system will get you locked up. thats not what's happening here, and I think its trivializing real oppressed people to pretend that it is. no offense.

also gonna be honest. the argument you are making sounds a lot like what abusive alcoholics say when they beat their wives and kids. "look what you made me do to you". Sometimes life doesn't go how we planned, doesn't give us the right to start killing people because of it.

last thing. you do realize that repealing Section 230 would most likely mean the end of RIU and any online forums right? it is one of the key things that let the internet flourish for the last 25 yrs. If that is taken away then whoever owns RIU could get sued for anything illegal that gets posted on here including text and photos. this is the one that I have the hardest time with. Repealing Section 230 is going to lessen your freedoms, and make it so only the super rich or corporations can afford to publish any website or app with user generated content. Can't figure out how Republicans want more government oversight and regulations for private businesses?

I know, it's too bad politics gets mixed into a weed forum. I like you man.

Anyways I can't answer all that right now as I'm in the process of watering, but I'll explain my thoughts on your second paragraph.

People can't express themselves when their opinions are blocked or removed because they don't conform to what the tech companies want.

Expressing your opinions is totally different than instigating violence. Which the left did a bunch of times over the summer but people want to ignore it or not show it, or blame Trump for that too.

And discrimination is exactly what's happening right now. Anyone that doesn't agree with the far left is getting censored by the tech companies. That's not right at all. I thought the democratic party was against discrimination.

Even the ACLU is saying this is bullshit and breaking our civil liberties.

You have Apple, Google, Microsoft, and all the other guys in it together pushing their will on the public.
I know, it's too bad politics gets mixed into a weed forum. I like you man.

Anyways I can't answer all that right now as I'm in the process of watering, but I'll explain my thoughts on your second paragraph.

People can't express themselves when their opinions are blocked or removed because they don't conform to what the tech companies want.

Expressing your opinions is totally different than instigating violence. Which the left did a bunch of times over the summer but people want to ignore it or not show it, or blame Trump for that too.

And discrimination is exactly what's happening right now. Anyone that doesn't agree with the far left is getting censored by the tech companies. That's not right at all. I thought the democratic party was against discrimination.

Even the ACLU is saying this is bullshit and breaking our civil liberties.

You have Apple, Google, Microsoft, and all the other guys in it together pushing their will on the public.

You are free to vote the board members out.
I know, it's too bad politics gets mixed into a weed forum. I like you man.

Anyways I can't answer all that right now as I'm in the process of watering, but I'll explain my thoughts on your second paragraph.

People can't express themselves when their opinions are blocked or removed because they don't conform to what the tech companies want.

Expressing your opinions is totally different than instigating violence. Which the left did a bunch of times over the summer but people want to ignore it or not show it, or blame Trump for that too.

And discrimination is exactly what's happening right now. Anyone that doesn't agree with the far left is getting censored by the tech companies. That's not right at all. I thought the democratic party was against discrimination.

Even the ACLU is saying this is bullshit and breaking our civil liberties.

You have Apple, Google, Microsoft, and all the other guys in it together pushing their will on the public.

I agree politics is bullshit and is just a game of divide and rule. rich get richer and poor get poorer.
will have to agree to disagree on the rest.

I have not seen any evidence of straight up opinions being blocked. Thats not true. You can go post on Facebook or Twitter right now and say whatever you want if its truthful. Go say you love Trump or Jesus or whatever you want. No one is stopping you or suppressing your view. But like it or not Trump lost the election. And people saying they are going to hang and kill anyone that gets in their way of keeping him in office is not allowed anywhere, in any business or public place. So why shouldn't posts that advocate for violent overthrow get squashed? You may disagree but the ones that got blocked and kicked off of social media was due to people threatening violence and to kill people. It cost peoples lives. There is a continued threat, which if these companies did not take action against a platform that was enabling another possible armed rebellion, would get themselves sued out if existence.

last but not least, I find it really offensive to even start to compare protesting against racism and police brutality and the murder of unarmed civilians due to their skin color, to a bunch of people throwing a temper tantrum because their candidate lost. false equivalency and super offensive.

also not sure if you saw the news but Parler got a host! literally gonna be on the same servers as nazi websites. birds of a feather i guess?