Medical-marijuana-bill-changes-draw-last-minute-support? (freep article0

I'm not certain that will fly. If a 'lockbox' is not certified for medicine then is it really inaccessible? :twisted:

If it is good enough for a firearm, it is good enough for meds. I really don't think there is a 'certification' needed.

Dr. Bob
What the two year cards? It is no extra work for me, I don't see a reason to increase the price. Same service, same cost. You just have to do it 1/2 as much, so you are the winner in that.

Dr. Bob
well bob didnt you say there was going to be a price increase .like a cert would cost the same as a oz of meds .whens the increase take place bob
Listen you absolute moron, I said it might cost the price of an ounce of medicine to get the medical records needed to document a condition. The cost of a cert is not changing, as I require records. It is up to the patient to get those records, and I was asked how much I thought that might cost.

If you can't say something positive and helpful Bloody, crawl back in your hole. I have not seen a SINGLE informative or helpful post you have made since I came here, you really need to get a life. In fact if you want to post here, perhaps you might take a few min to review the rules, the bills, and read what those that actually understand most of this have to say. Then perhaps you might have some clue as to what you are talking about. Folks are getting sick of your nonsense, you were called on it by others on other threads, take the hint and maybe learn some facts before you continue to make a fool of yourself.

Have a nice day, you got far more type that you rate on this post.

Dr. Bob
here is what you said bob.
  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by TheMan13
    Dr. Bob what is your guesstimate of the annual cost per patient under such a bona fide doctor patient requirement?

    Honestly, less than the cost of 1 oz of meds. Or the extra you pay at some of these 'no record' clinics for having a cert based on a statement saying you qualify.

    Chiropractors are dirt cheap, there are sliding scale clinics at many health departments. It is a matter of priorities.

    Plus everyone seems to forget, the medical board already has put out standards that need to be followed. Those standards were put in the bill. So they are already in place.

here is what you said bob.
  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by TheMan13
    Dr. Bob what is your guesstimate of the annual cost per patient under such a bona fide doctor patient requirement?

    Honestly, less than the cost of 1 oz of meds. Or the extra you pay at some of these 'no record' clinics for having a cert based on a statement saying you qualify.

    Chiropractors are dirt cheap, there are sliding scale clinics at many health departments. It is a matter of priorities.

    Plus everyone seems to forget, the medical board already has put out standards that need to be followed. Those standards were put in the bill. So they are already in place.

Well then an adult will explain the post to you Bloody. Note that the question involved what the cost of the documentation would be. The answer, was that it would cost about the same as an ounce of medication to get those records at a chiropractor or sliding scale public health clinic.

You want to explain how that means the price of my certification goes up? Can you read English? It is such a pity that with a free, public education people are still out there that cannot read and comprehend a basic concept outlined in paragraph form.

Dr. Bob
for christ sake this back and forth shit gets old. any time i see Dr. Bob post you got bloodytampons i mean trichomes following along looking to start some sort of controversy. now i don't know either of you personally but i am able to research Dr.Bobs claims all on my own. don't need someone trying to dig up the bs on EVERY comment the dr makes especially when most of the time it's all ridiculous nonsense or a complete twisting of words or blurring of facts by what seems to me to be a cyber stalker. just sayin'. luckily from what i've been able to gauge from alot of you is that we can decide for ourselves and investigate on our own if the need arises without bloody's megaphone following the doc on every thread. maybe theres some backstory i'm unaware of but either way lay the f off. the guy spends more time dealing with petty bs than he does being able to pass on info some of us may value. if you don't like the guy ignore him or block him but following him from thread to thread is kind of pathetic in my book. ok now let the bashing on me begin i'm a big boy i can take it
There is so much fucking confusion on this move. I thought the Photos on the cards were dropped and they made it a requirement to have photo ID with you as well...

The Problem isnt confusion, but a major misunderstanding of how Legislation works. These 4 passed bills STARTED in the HOUSE> thus any amendments that made it out of the house to the senate, are now Part of the Bill, unless it has been challenged in the Senate, at which case it would not be up for a vote, until it goes Back to the House to be redone, and re submitted to the Senate. So when You Rare D, and EVERYONE ELSE THOUGHT these amendments were NULL AND VOID, what happened is you refused to acknowledge that unless the Senate Struck the Amendments (which sends the bill back to the House) any amendments from the House are valid, thus when the Senate, ADDED THEIR OWN POINT, they didnt change the House Bill, but added their OWN Amendment TO the House Bill with its House Added Amendments in Tact.

I tried to tell you over and over and over and over and over and over this fact, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I just have NO IDEA WTF IM talking about, So Yes I going to FUCKING SAY IT.

Simple matter of going to wally world and getting a little lockable case. I've got a place that turns them out for $10 including lock.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Dr. Bob

You do that with your alcohol after you leave the bar drunk?
Generally Speaking ofcourse.

I wouldnt want to imply your a drunk and drive that way? As if.
What the fuck happened?
It is becoming clear to me that while I was worried about Rare Dankness and Rollitup, something happened.
Am I illegal again? You can't be this mad about needing a lock box.
Ohh your picture. Ya, I would be freaking the fuck out if I had to have your picture on my card too. Ahh just kidding.
I have no idea what you look like. I am just making jokes, cuz you freaking the fuck out is making me nervous like
mj is illegal again or something, and it's 8:59 Monday morning and LEO is finishing their donuts and heading here.
You do that with your alcohol after you leave the bar drunk?
Generally Speaking ofcourse.

I wouldnt want to imply your a drunk and drive that way? As if.

Honestly, what does this have to do with the regulations that cover cannabis? You know, the schedule 1 narcotic that you get (thanks to the voters) special permission to use? Honestly, if they require you to wear plaid and stripes as a condition to using it, you do it if you want to participate in the program. You need to get that through your head.

Read and understand the regulations, follow them, and you can use meds. Don't and you go to jail. Fairness or analogies have no part of that equation.

Dr. Bob