Medical Marijuana License Card...anyone have one

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New Member
Gosh nat you are so right. i really just need to 'approach' this differently and from a different angle.
So true.
THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to see this specialist on wednesday and this gives me time to present something totally different but still get the same results.

Oh I am stoked!!!!:clap::clap::clap: Brilliant!
If you get approved for a nasal spray,just say its not working out for you as you don't like spraying it into your nose and that it makes you feel odd and gives a funny strange feeling at the back of your throat and that you wish to grow it so that you can consume,eat it,not smoke,they will then be able to get you going on approval a lot easier.

If you say that you are going to give up smoking it and consume it you will get more luck as they think you are giving up smoking it and going for the healthy alternative of consumption.
If you don't like this idea tell them that you wish to use a medicinal vaporizer as that is not really smoking either,best of luck with it all:blsmoke:


New Member
Ok everyone. I have my appointment today. My last one back in november was cancelled and re-scheduled for this morning.

I'm really nervous and have no idea how this is going to go but I'm going anyway. I've never seen this doctor before and it just seems so weird going in to see him about this :? but I know others have gone through the same process and they didn't explode. :mrgreen:

I have all my paperwork ready but still need two photo passport ID's.

I know some of you don't approve of mm but I hope some of you out there are thinking postively and wishing me luck.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Love you people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
and then again don't wish me luck:cry:
any who...I'm off!
I'll tell ya how it goes when I get back.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Have a good one!!!!

Oh GAWDDDD...I'm sooooooo nervoussssssss!:-|


New Member
Thanks for the support guys. Much appreciated.

Doctor does not believe in using cannibus under any conditions so will not sign
Told me with the amount of prescription meds I was on that i might as well be taking smarties(candy)
So I said, thats great I will take smarties instead of my prescription drugs.


Well-Known Member
whatever shamegame. you're an idiot.
No Lacy you sound like the idiot! You actually sound like a little girl who didn't get the toy she wanted in the store because mommy said so. Grow up. Shamegame is right.


New Member
Yep. Your right! I'm an idiot.
No Lacy you sound like the idiot! You actually sound like a little girl who didn't get the toy she wanted in the store because mommy said so. Grow up. Shamegame is right.


Well-Known Member
No Lacy you sound like the idiot! You actually sound like a little girl who didn't get the toy she wanted in the store because mommy said so. Grow up. Shamegame is right.
LoL why do you got to come here and try to stir up shit? That was like a month ago and everybodys cool now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys. Much appreciated.

Doctor does not believe in using cannibus under any conditions so will not sign
Told me with the amount of prescription meds I was on that i might as well be taking smarties(candy)
So I said, thats great I will take smarties instead of my prescription drugs.
That sucks, Lacy. I'm sure you'll get it sooner or later. In California you can look up on-line a list of doctors who support mmj maybe they have the same in Canada?


Well-Known Member
my friend got turned down in canada also and he said with in a week the mounties were at his door he lives in B.C. has a court date in jan. he only had one plant left thankfully
his piece of crap doctor told the authorties about the declined licence


New Member
my friend got turned down in canada also and he said with in a week the mounties were at his door he lives in B.C. has a court date in jan. he only had one plant left thankfully
his piece of crap doctor told the authorties about the declined licence


New Member
I know I have had this thread going for months now and I know it is getting beyond "old" But I have seen so many people come here and within no time gotten their mm cards.
After my last visit with a specialist who knew nothing about me and told to get my past medical records, I then discovered that health records are only held for 10 years and are then detroyed. :-?

So now I am starting to get kinda pissed off. I have records dating back dozens of years but are unobtainable.

I decided to call health canda and explain the situation.
The person I was talking to said that I should not have any problem at all getting a card and told me to call my doctor back and let him know that he can sign. He doesn't know why the doctor is giving me a hard time about it. He gave me a direct line to give to my doctor so he can inquire about it all. If he doesn't I am going to keep calling health canada back until I get some results.

Apparently the doctors are not responsible for the individuals decisions and perhaps that is what my doctor is concerned about. Its not an easy subject to bring up with your personal gp.

I am once again optimistic about getting my card. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
lacy good luck i thought you where from the states i know im slow anyway best of luck cant wate for boston to get them. hows your grow going and did the snow stop. sorry im chatty today


New Member
Yes bwinn. I live in canada and love it.
We are completely snowed in right now but we are used to that kind of weather here.

Our laws on medical marijuana are really changing BUT the one great advantage that the States have over us is that you have a 'list' of all the doctors who are willing to prescribe marijuana. We do not have that and I have been inquiring about this with our government and they said the reason is, is because our health care system is paid by our government. Doctors who prescibe medical marijuana have an increase in their insurance rates because of it and not too many doctors want to accept that risk and responsibility.

Our doctors also get a percentage off on the presciption drugs they prescibe. With a person growing their own meds, there is absolutely no benefit for them, whereas in the states you all pay for your appointments and pay extra for this service.

I wouldn't normally say that your medical care system has its advantages, but in this case, I think I would. :blsmoke::peace:
lacy good luck i thought you where from the states i know im slow anyway best of luck cant wate for boston to get them. hows your grow going and did the snow stop. sorry im chatty today


New Member
I just spoke with the doctors secretary today and she told me that my gp will not speak to anyone on my behalf to find out more info about medical marijuana. He will not go any further I was told. She said that he will just keep referrring me to another doctor. He won't even sign a paper declaring what my illnesses are. :confused: I totally don't get it. This has been my gp for 9 years. I think it is time to look for another gp. I am really disappointed with him. I will get all my medical records from him and move on myself until I find someone who will sign.

I realize I am not getting much support here :?but it is NOT going to stop me from posting my findings because some day it just might help someone else.:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I Live in Cali, super easy to get a medical rec. Hundreds of dr.'s in my area, all of whom for the low low fee of $125 will give you a reccomendation for juss about anything.


Active Member
Ya Im cheering for ya let me know how it goes, I live in Canada too and have wondered what the process is like and whether I am eligable, go lacy!!! and whats with the cali guy thats complaining about people getting a card, she said she has a condition how is it your business to question it, especially seeing as how your in a different country


New Member
Oh gosh you people found this. I'm almost embarrassed about it now. :oops:

I have practically jumped through hoops for this so far.

My gp did not want to sign because the Board of directors and physicans yadda yadda has told the doctors in ontario NOT to sign it giving us a hard time to get this thing.

It all sounds good on paper but to go through the process literally sucks.

My gp then sends me to a specialist but doesn't let him know anything about what I was there for.
I was so pissed when I finally wait to see this specialist with all my papers all ready and he gives me the third degree, like I was some real loser. He actually thought that I was on some kind of 'claim' and told my doctor that he basically thought I was trying to scam something. I'm self employeed and have been since 1995.

All the while there was eye to eye contact. He said that the amount of meds I was on that I might as well be taking 'smarties' and then was :dunce: enough to write this all in his reply back to my doctor. :roll:

Of all the nerve. :evil:Then went on to ask me about my past. :shock:At this point in time he couldn't even make eye contact with me.
He just sat cowardly behind his desk and looked extremely uncomfortable.

So I decided this was going nowhere and instead of being humiliated and degraded by this, so called , professional I just stood up and told him that this was good news because I don't like taking meds. anyway. :hump:

I mean, what jerk :evil: How did he know I wasn't some real nutjob who really really needs meds and he has basically said that they aren't doing diddly swat!!!:? I might totally do something stupid and he could have been partially responsible. I am kinda 'crazy' but not THAT bad. ;)
He's lucky I'm not the sueing type. Needless to say, I was furious.:cuss:

I went to the waiting room and told my hubby "lets go. This guy's a 'Dick.':roll:
Then went home and called my gp and told him that I am gonna go off my meds and take smarties instead.

My gp called and asked me to come in. He hadn't even really gone over my records and when he did he was much more co-operative.
He read out the report this 'specist' wrote and laughed and laughed. :lol::lol::lol:
I think he realized how ridiculous the situation was and although he still wouldn't sign, gave me all the info I needed to go to a compassion club and have them issue me one.

It is still being processed but I do think I am going to get it soon. :mrgreen:
I really really hope so cause my house just reeks of weed and I really would like to sell to some local clubs around this area. I have WAY too much weed here for me and hubby doesn't toke at all.

Thanks guys. You're probably wishing you didn't inquire now. TMI:roll:


Ya Im cheering for ya let me know how it goes, I live in Canada too and have wondered what the process is like and whether I am eligable, go lacy!!! and whats with the cali guy thats complaining about people getting a card, she said she has a condition how is it your business to question it, especially seeing as how your in a different country


Active Member
Well Im sorry to hear you had to go through all that with no results, just goes to show no matter how far we come, the same deuchebags still run the country. Well if you have any time or interest left in this post, perhaps you could tell me what process you went through with the compassion club, I would very much like to the police out of my mind when 'medicating' as that fag shame would put it.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry ur gettin the runaround lacy. but im just jealous u can actually legally smoke in your country. i need to pack up and move my shit. but the snowed in part. uh, ive never seen snow, dunno if i could deal with it. lol.

Would you like to don a pirate costume with me and eat some Kroff Dinner?
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