Mental 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Start of journal well im moving it from the pc grow to grow journal ^^ here is when i started taking pictures.

Here are the plants as of today and yea sorry they are blurry because the camera sucks ass for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Setup before transplant:

P3 5-27 Roots

P4 5-27

P5 5-27

P6 5-27

All 5-27

Empty setup

P3 5-27 Roots

P2 5-27 Roots

5-27 Temp/humidity

P3 5-27

P2 5-27

And i have in my setup:

2 18" Day light 6500k flo bulbs
1 small fan (lol forgot what kind)
Potato bag's and aluminum for reflective material
CD's to adjust plant height to light (height from light 1/2 - 1inch)
MiracleGro soil and MiracleGro plant food

Today i transplanted all but the 6th plant into new pots due to running out of soil, will be transplanting later when girl brings soil home. i transplanted them and used v12's method of just leaving the roots on top the soil and put 1/2 inch of soil on roots and water and if there are roots showing i put some more soil on till i see no more.
I switched some positions of the plants so the ones in the back not getting hit very much by the fan air i moved to the front and ones in the front to the back so i can build up their stems strength. Temp 82 humidity 64. When watered today they got feed. i started LST on the plants that wasn't already other then the 1 i havent transplanted yet. Light today 12/12.

Plant #2
3 weeks and 5

Plant #3
Week 3 day 0

5/10/09 Plant #4
Week 2 day 3

Plant's 5-6 idk how old they are. None are still not showing any sign of sex.


Well-Known Member
Little side update:
Moved 1 of the 5 plants out my grow and outside in a field and watered it. Still no sign of sex. The fan now stays on 24/7 instead of 12/12 when the timer turns my lights on.


Well-Known Member


On the left side (ill get picture's tomorrow to stoned) are where 2 fan's were at and i took one out and i have to take the other out as you see is still there. Im thinking about buying some pc fan's from radio shack or something to put in them to spots.


Well-Known Member
Ok time to get studying :) lol finally some studying i actually like. Oh btw it is only 13 1/2" tall, 6" depth, 13" wide :(.


Ok well 1 of the 5 plant's is no longer with us . The plant that i had outside got eattin by a deer or a turkey. I lowered the 2 oldest plants down some away from the light some of the tips of their leaves were getting burned because the fan was pushing their leaves into the lights. My lighting is as said before 12/12. Still no signs of sex but yet something interesting my oldest plant seems to be having alot of very very very tiny white dots all over every leaves and i was wondering if these were the resin or thc crystals that im supposed to be watching them for them turning from clear to white to white cloudy and amber to amber im guessing (Whenever mine are ready for harvest imma harvest them when they are cloudy and amber)

Im also currently working on my pc grow case i should have up and running at some point idk yet i might try to get a bigger one im not sure if it is enough room in there and i dont have any money right now to get another. I got a car window shield for better reflecting material to put in my pc case when i get a intake and exhaust fan. My oldest plant has 5 nodes (not including the round leave node i guess it is) and the 6th one is starting to grow off the main stem i was wondering if i can now take a cut from it?

Plant #2
4 weeks Day 5

Plant #4
Week 3 day 0

My timer i got plugged into the wall to turn lights on 12 and lights off 12:

Reflect material for pc case:

Temp/humd 77/78:

P #2:

P #5:

P #6:

P #4:


Well-Known Member
Side update:

Went to the store to get me 2 26w's and is equiv to 100w and i also got me 2 outlet adapters so i can plug them into the surge protector:


Well-Known Member

Still no sign of sex. Lights still flor (6500k) 12/12. The oldest plant is getting bushier and the other one is getting there but is still the smelliest. Temp/Humd today was 81/59. I replanted the 2 youngest plants into 1 big pot they shouldnt get root bound together because i dug them up and got most of the dirt off from around the roots and i spreaded them. Then i put them on top of the soil that was filled 3/4 of the pot then i coved the roots with 1/2 inch of soil and watered them and if i saw some roots i covered with a little of soil. Both plants roots are on the opposite side of the pot by the other plants leaves which go across the pot under the soil. I also bought a glue gun yesterday to setup my pc grow setup all i need now is some flowerin bulbs for when i need to flower and 2 - 3 pc fans 2 80mm exhaust fans and maybe 90mm intake fan idk i may ask someone about that.

P #2 Roots:

P #4:

P #4 Roots:

P #2:

Family shot:

2 in big pot:

2 Youngest:

i no 2 in 1 pot = bad but it is a big big pot and i can keep moving there roots when they reach the bottom so i dont have to worry about root bound together and the roots are buried way far apart ill post a big later showing where they are and ill post a pick of my pc case it is done just needs 1 exhaust fans and 1 intake fan.


Well-Known Member
I also got my pc case up and running but i need 1 more fan right now i got 2 80mm fans in there 1 for exhaust and 1 for intake i still need to find me a 92mm or was it 96mm fan for my exhaust and have my 2 80mms for intake. Does that sound about right? But yea i got in there the window shield for reflector material and i got a 4 plug connector in there with 2 26w cfls running off them using the outlet adapters. The 2 mm fans 1 exhaust and other intake (for right now) and got me a dig thermometer and last but not least 1 plant ^^. Ill put up a pic or 2 tonight or tomorrow im feeling real lazy right now to lol.


Well-Known Member

Yoshi (decided to name now just hope its a girl hehe)

Family shot

The trash bin i moved the 2 youngins in

Stinkbug (P #4)


Pc case

Left side of case

Right side of case

Where im going to put the 92mm fan for intake air when i get one

Me thats all for the update today happy tokin


Well-Known Member
Right now i just have 1 plant in there and the other 3 in where they were at. I can fit up to 2 of the plants in there. And yea i know one is turned around i did that for that one to atleast exhaust some air out until i got 92mm intake fan and ill have them both facing the other way. Man it is killing me my grow going on in my pc case (Yoshi and stinkbug) seems to wanna stay around 90 - 94 when i turn on the lights and even at night time and i got 1 80mm exhaust and 80mm intake (Trying to find me a 92mm intake to take over for the 80mm intake and you the 80 as another exhaust) and also 3 1inch maybe 1 1/2inch fans that i took out of my xbox360 cooler and trying to use them as exhaust to kinda help with the temp and nope doesn't do a thing temp is still the same. Also my pc case the side of it doesnt close because i took off well more of broke off the top bar of the frame that holds the side in place to cut out the big ass not needed metal that was in there way (By the way a pain in the ass i cut some of it with a metal cutter then the rest i had to basically total the frame to get it out. I got everything out that i didnt need in there for extra room but now my case is basically pointless because the side wont go on. So yea idk what im going to do right now because even if i get that hood thing it wont help with the smell when there is a half a inch gap from the side wall to the pc case. So yea fuck im lost now but anyways they been what looks like doing fine but since you said the light running away at where the fan is wont be good during flowering i basically figured im fucked then. I cant bend anything back into place because the top piece to the frame isn't there and it had like 3 holes and on the door is like 3 bar things you slide into the holes to keep it in place. i cant do that now since i don't have the piece with the holes. Where i got it, it is in total darkness unless the light on the inside is on other then that i got things like books and movies and stuff trying to block the light from the holes and it works but you can still tell there is like coming out but none will get in. What is it not good to do it yet? my plant has 9 nodes counting only the true leaves.


Well-Known Member
Early Update:

Well the plant's are doing fine except stinkbug she(hope) has been in shock i believe for a while because she is almost as old as Yoshi and she looks about as old as the youngin's. Yoshi's roots has reached the bottom of her container again so when i get some soil imma re pot her back in the same pot but with the roots spreaded and on top the soil. Yoshi's new branches are looking good the others seem to be starting to come off the stem now. All plants are still on cfl's (6500k) 12/12. Still no sex yet D:. And while the internet is down ill be taking pictures each week so i can have more then 1 update when i get internet back.

Week 6 day 2
44 days old

7 weeks Day 4
53 days old
Can someone tell me how much longer till she should be flowering or atleast showing sex?

Temp has been around 80 - 87 humidity 51 - 60.

Family shot


Yoshi's container (showing how far the roots are growing)

Yoshi's roots

Youngin's (Side)

Youngin's (Top)



Well-Known Member

So far 1 plant is a male for sure 1 might be a female not for sure yet. I topped one of the youngins and i topped for the first time and i also thought i would try to make the cutting a clone so i got a clone going on from a plant i think is female. I got 1 clone from my male plant i topped yesterday. Oh yea and the first one i topped is showing the 2 new growth coming up from beside where i took the cutting from.

Male topped plant/ Clone


Female i believe/ Clone


Now journal is open for posts :hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Well i have a stealth grow and right on the other side of it is mu pc case. Right now i am using my pc case for my 2 clones i been leaving it on 24/0 for 3 days now except the male clone got put in there yesterday. But when im ready to flower imma use the pc case for flowering. Imma be flowering them 1 at a time and flowering clones after they veg alot longer and keep cutting clones off yoshi when she gets nice size. But ill being using my pc case off and on depending on whats happening with the plants but in the future it is the flower room.


Well-Known Member
Side update:

These are the 3 photo's that didn't get uploaded.
Family shot

Male clone

Female (i think) clone


Well-Known Member
My plan now is to try to get those clones to root then imma put the male outside somewhere after i let it veg a little longer then imma let the other clone veg for a while then imma take a cut from it. In a month imma take a clone from the i hope female plant that i already took a clone from. And im letting yoshi veg for another month.


Well-Known Member
Ight will do ^^. Oh yea and i was fixing the setup so there would be more room in there and i sat my plants outside it well something very very very light fell on the one i think is a female out of the ones i cloned. Well now it has instead of 2 set of leaves at the top there is just 1 so now there is only 3 sets of leaves on her because it fell on the 4th set and cut it off her.