June through September is when I heard the flocks were in the fields in Galilee...an interesting aside, many Christian Scholars believe that Jesus was born in September, although there is a wider consensus as to what year
Here's a favorite tune about three Chinese guys who followed a shiny UFO to bring presents to the Starbaby..
True, it also has to do with Luke 1:36, so we can know more specifically when during that period it was, its thought to be the end of SeptemberJune through September is when I heard the flocks were in the fields in Galilee.
That had a lot to do with real estate. On Friday and Saturday the Holy Spaces were already booked, so. . . .Dates have a way of being moved by man, sometimes with good intentions, other times, like the Sabbath being 'changed' to Sunday, not good.
That had a lot to do with real estate. On Friday and Saturday the Holy Spaces were already booked, so. . . .
And Christmas is another good example. When the early church leaders couldn't make Christians stop celebrating the Winter Solstice, a holiday since forever, they took it for their own.
Sorry. Three boys.Two boys cover a classic.