Merry Christmas interesting aside, many Christian Scholars believe that Jesus was born in September, although there is a wider consensus as to what year

Here's a favorite tune about three Chinese guys who followed a shiny UFO to bring presents to the Starbaby..

June through September is when I heard the flocks were in the fields in Galilee.
June through September is when I heard the flocks were in the fields in Galilee.
True, it also has to do with Luke 1:36, so we can know more specifically when during that period it was, its thought to be the end of September

Edit: I found this, it's the shortest one I could find, it seems to have the gist of it

Just found this one, it's less than half as long (2min.) and it mentions the cattle in the field too

And there's this..
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Dates have a way of being moved by man, sometimes with good intentions, other times, like the Sabbath being 'changed' to Sunday, not good.

Dates have a way of being moved by man, sometimes with good intentions, other times, like the Sabbath being 'changed' to Sunday, not good.

That had a lot to do with real estate. On Friday and Saturday the Holy Spaces were already booked, so. . . .

And Christmas is another good example. When the early church leaders couldn't make Christians stop celebrating the Winter Solstice, a holiday since forever, they took it for their own.
That had a lot to do with real estate. On Friday and Saturday the Holy Spaces were already booked, so. . . .

And Christmas is another good example. When the early church leaders couldn't make Christians stop celebrating the Winter Solstice, a holiday since forever, they took it for their own.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Christians celebrating the pagan solstice, but I'm not here to argue or be disagreeable. Happy holidays, amigo.
