Metal halide light on ebay


Well-Known Member
They have tested the lights but they are sold as is. What does high bay industrial strenght lights mean anyway?


Active Member
Yeah... I messaged to get more info. and didnt get an answer to any question other then the shipping cost, and its 65 dollars. so id rather buy one that i know is meant for it and is going to work. then to spend nearly 100 dollars on somethign that im not sure of.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I believe a high bay light is something that is recessed into the ceiling, and not what you want to grow. You want a horizontal reflector.

A MH light will work just fine for growing by itself, although it's a better spectrum for vegatative growth. A HPS light will put out a better spectrum for flowering, and that is where you want to concentrate your light dollars.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
im kinda a on extremely low budget... and want to get the best out of nothing basically. lol. I know this is next to imposible, butim gonn atry anyways. this is my first try, obviously and i dont want to go all out and buy very expensivestuff if im not going to pursue it after these few starter plants. I am proabbly gonna end upjust going with a couple high watt flouresent lights. but i thought these are about the same price so why not right. lol. thanks for all you help and any sugestions are still welcome.


Active Member not buy that off... m59 ballast with conversion bulb sounds good but m59 ballasts are extremely common and a used conversion bulb is bunk...conversion bulbs are lame and expensive, they cost as much as a new hps ballast...

...source out a 400w hps can run mh or hps in it...much more versitile and bulb replacement is $25 max...