mg def. i kno about it just questions pics.


Active Member
so i have orange rust spots appearing on leaves


im running lucas formula i was under theimpression it had enough calmag? it has 1.5 % mg. my calimag has 1.25% mg?

could it be to much mg and locked out?

im in aeroflo so they suck up alot of nutes so i gota keep ppms low cuz they take in alot of water n nutes go with it

my plants are still taking in nutes w water so couldnt be lockout correct?

my ph is always 6.0 - 5.3.

res temps cool

room temp never more than 81

can it cause same symptoms from to much mg as to little?

they started doing it in flower so id assume they want more?

all input appreciated.


Active Member
like the leaves look perfectly healthy just getting orangish brown rust spots?
its not letting me upload pics...


Well-Known Member
Calcium def show up in younger leaves first. Looks more like ozone damage too me. But you are probaly not running an ozone generator so.... Maybe a bit too much ph fluctuation? I woulkd keep an eye on them. And if it does not spread or worsen you may be ok.