MH light bulb burnt? HELP fast please!


Well-Known Member
My light is showing some darkish brownish dots or little specs on the bottom part inside the glass where the light comes out of. The bottom meaning the opposite of the top where it is closest to the top of the reflector. The sides and top part is clear. I never looked at it before, but there is no wire connecting the two ends inside the glass together. Is this normal? I remember when I first got it, the ballast made a funny humming noise as the lightbulb was warming up. I saw electricity moving around for a second. Since then, I haven't seen it and the bulb lights up fast.

Ah man, I hope I don't have UV shit in me...

are the light bulbs suppose to stay clean clear or do they do they get a little worn out from the intense light?


Well-Known Member
HID grow light bulbs should be replaced at regular intervals before the bulb burns out. As these bulbs age, their lumen output decreases. While it is barely noticable to the human eye, plant growth will slow considerably. The general recommendation is to replace metal halide (MH) bulbs on an annual basis and high pressure sodium bulbs (HPS) every two years. Keep recently retired bulbs as spares in case of future bulb failure.