MicRo Grow 2nd try CFL


Well-Known Member
i was going to ask about this. is it strong? im sure the buds smell great, but can you smell it OUTside whatever room its in?
nope, with my closet door shut i cant smell it in my bedroom..... and i dont have any carbon filters or anything, it just doesnt come outta the closet...... but when i first open up the closet in the morning it REEKS!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
second taste test, the last one had a heavy body high that lasted a couple hours...... this is another lower bud, not a top (there are 14 of those) that im letting dry to smoke tomorrow........ and please dont start telling me how bad this is for my plant........ she has lots of lower buds



Active Member
does your plant egt total darkness at night? ive heard that during flowering, indoor plants need absolute darkness...

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
did you smoke yet? im waitin till about 7:30 when the busch race comes on to smoke mine, dam i cant wait, LoL. 2 hours to go.


Well-Known Member
did you smoke yet? im waitin till about 7:30 when the busch race comes on to smoke mine, dam i cant wait, LoL. 2 hours to go.

nah man i let it dry all night its still in the drying box in the dark...... heres a pic...... i cant wait i didnt let the first one dry completely so it wasnt as tasty as it coulda been but it still smoked nicely and i was high for a lil over 2 hours lol so im counting down the time too...... might wait til tomorrow i just got a 1/4 of some good mids



Well-Known Member
What it Dew King, I'll have some pics up 4 u 2morrow...It's chop chop time....That broad of urs looks good kinfolk....:-P


Active Member
Those plants do look nice. My suggestion is use the miracle grow for vegging and when flowering starts switch to some decent flowering nutrients so your bud doesn't taste shitty. Use some organics if your going to smoke it all, otherwise you might use some chemicals as it will yield more and molasses of course which will make your buds nice and sticky. my seeds are coming today, mango. good luckkkkk


Well-Known Member
thanks spindles, gr33ncrack, and of course con for lookin in on her........... im using both MG Bloom Booster 15-30-15 and Shultz 10-15-10 for nutes, the cheap stuff, ballin on a budget........ so every other watering ( 1 gallon each time ) she gets a concentrate of around 25-45-25 for nutes....... no trace of nuteburn and i been doing this for like the last 3 weeks, so about 3 times i gave her this cocktail of goodies..........