Micro grow scrog/lst


Well-Known Member
That is a shame but you are right, she will recover eventually. Keep us posted. Would still be a cool looking plant if she was to flower :)
I will

it will be in shock for a few days but make a full recovery

i guess here in the next 2 weeks i will know the sex and if its a male then ill take it out and start again

or i might let it finish anyway and collect the pollen from it

you didnt let us down shit happens bro
Yea i know

at least i still got my outdoor babies ;-)


Well-Known Member
awwwww dude ive not been around to follow the grow for a while shame about the bugs summers always a bitch.


Well-Known Member
awwwww dude ive not been around to follow the grow for a while shame about the bugs summers always a bitch.
Yea they are

but its my own fault though

i was bringing in outdoor plants and putting them in my cab at night for a while waiting on the threat of frost to go away

but she gonna recover just fine , and i will do another scrog when this one is done


Well-Known Member
Ugh ,

Im so fucking mad right now ,

And its my own damn fault :cuss:

Any of you ever just get so mad at one of your plants that you just want to rip it the fuck out and just start another one ?

I knew it was going to go into to shock from the butchery shit i did

But stupid ass was not thinking and i watered it afterwards

the problem is not that i watered it

the fucking problem is that i watered it that mourning and it just slipped my mind

and after i butchered it to hell , ( I FUCKING WATERED IT AGAIN :wall: )

and i didn't even realize it till earlier when i checked on it ,

i seen that All the fucking leaves were cured under themselves

and the tips of the leaves were dieing off and shit


now i have to put it into some more shock


Well since their was to much water in the soil

i had to sit their and dump it all out braking off all that saturated soil

then re planted it into nice dry soil ,

but i lost half the root ball in doing so

so its just completely fucked up at this point

i thought about just taking a cutting off of one of the half ass decent branches for a clone and try it again with the clone

What do yall think about that ?

im just so mad at myself for making such a noob mistake

oh well

hears a pic of my poor on the verge of death baby

please let me know what yall think about just taking a clone and re doing it

ill check back later tonight or tomorrow , im leaving now to go to my sis b - day party

and drink my sadness away , ( hopefully she might have some smoke )

ok here is my poor baby

please pray to the Ganja Gods for me


grow space

Well-Known Member
i thought that shit only happens to me, but oh well...couple of weeks and she should be off like before man....

best of luck man :peace:


Active Member
aww man, that sucks! Is she doing any better? I totally get where you're coming from! I've had some issues that set me back several times and have lost a few babies for various reasons. I think I've dialed it in now though and my grow is going great. Don't give up! Give the plant time to heal. I wouldn't try to clone it. You're not likely to get a healthy clone and if it doesn't root then you're boned. Trust me, you'll be better off waiting! I have a few right now that I wasn't sure would make it and now they're a few of my biggest girls!

I'll give you a tip for Low stress training though. Paperclips. They'll be your new best friend. Unbend them most of the way and stick them into the dirt, or melt a hole in the side of the pot to loop it into. If you check out my grow journal, all of my low stress training has been done in the pots with paperclips. They're great tools of the trade, and because they are in the pot theres no issues with netting and untangling. Be sure to get the long ones for the dirt and if you can, the smaller ones work great for attaching to the sides of pots and other branches. My girls are like little bonsai bushes and they've become more like a scrog in a pot than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Iv used paper clips before and i sometimes still due

i just prefer the fuzzy strings

i do lst on just about all my grows , and have had great success with it

Just this one plant i happen to get all out my rhythm with lol

but its all good , im not gonna sweat it

i still have plants outdoors , and i just started a 12/12 from seed ( Royal Hash )

Shit just happens sometimes ya know

but im still gonna do another grow after this ;-)


Well-Known Member
Iv used paper clips before and i sometimes still due

i just prefer the fuzzy strings

i do lst on just about all my grows , and have had great success with it

Just this one plant i happen to get all out my rhythm with lol

but its all good , im not gonna sweat it

i still have plants outdoors , and i just started a 12/12 from seed ( Royal Hash )

Shit just happens sometimes ya know

but im still gonna do another grow after this ;-)
Growing till the day i die! i like the smoke break gave me the munchies too bad im not your next door neighbor you look to have a godly amount of goodness right there:-) Any signs of recovery for your plant yet?


Well-Known Member
Growing till the day i die! i like the smoke break gave me the munchies too bad im not your next door neighbor you look to have a godly amount of goodness right there:-) Any signs of recovery for your plant yet?

A Slim ,

Sorry my man im really tring to answer question

but im not finds words

cepts for what im typing .

im really fucked up right now

so you got to give me some recovery time to answer you question ok their buddy



Well-Known Member
Starting to think that i might as well take it out side and see what its gonna do

and just start over with another one


Well-Known Member

that is what im gonna do

just take it out and start another one

i will still use this thread to update everything

I guess this will be the one i do next

thinking 12/12 from seed since that is how it started anyway

and just lst it in the cab

( Royal Hash )



Well-Known Member
just do a couple mate then if 1 goes wrong u got 1 left :P i had to kill one of my bigger plants this morning for being male. :(


Well-Known Member
Now thats not true my cab is smaller and i have 20+ you could do just fine with up to 4 in yours even scrog one in the back corner or them all just make little screen frames to go over the plants could do two that way then 2 LST in the front so you can move the LST ones out and mess with the Scrog ones in the back. You have reg seeds i would go for more then just one i would go nuts growing something for a couple months to have it be a male. I know if you go to 4 plants the yield off the female you get will be smaller but there would be a yield:-) I mean shit worse case you could take clones off your outdoor at first signs of sex then grow those inside and establish a mother so ya dont have to deal with males ever again:-) Im stoned dont mind me


Well-Known Member
ah c c , i have the space issues too dude , if u got the seeds spare grow 2 then when u run outta room take one outside or ditch it. just a saftery net plant if u get what i mean check my cab in link for no space haha


Well-Known Member
Now thats not true my cab is smaller and i have 20+ you could do just fine with up to 4 in yours even scrog one in the back corner or them all just make little screen frames to go over the plants could do two that way then 2 LST in the front so you can move the LST ones out and mess with the Scrog ones in the back. You have reg seeds i would go for more then just one i would go nuts growing something for a couple months to have it be a male. I know if you go to 4 plants the yield off the female you get will be smaller but there would be a yield:-) I mean shit worse case you could take clones off your outdoor at first signs of sex then grow those inside and establish a mother so ya dont have to deal with males ever again:-) Im stoned dont mind me
im with sj dude


Well-Known Member
I mean shit worse case you could take clones off your outdoor at first signs of sex then grow those inside and establish a mother so ya dont have to deal with males ever again:-) Im stoned dont mind me

I guess you haven't seen my outdoor plants , so sad

its gonna be a couple of weeks before they recover ( if they recover )

and my cab is not that big my man

if i remember right its only

22" wide

18" deep

and about 13" to light

plus i got that hole cut out in the center for that tub to fit in


Well-Known Member
have a look how small mine is on my 1st page then flick to the cab shot on last pages u can really pack em in.


Well-Known Member
have a look how small mine is on my 1st page then flick to the cab shot on last pages u can really pack em in.
I just looked at your pics

and you have alot more room then i do ( a lot )

i will take a full pic of my cab tomorrow

plus your using cfl`s and the floro`s so your plants can get closer to them without any heat or burn issues

im using a 150w hps so i can not get it as close as you can yours

maybe i will cut the bottom completely out

idk , i just got to see how things play out

i got another spot to put my cab at

but the spot is bigger and i need to do some building and shit

i will post pics tomorrow to give you an idea of what im thinking about doing

What are the spec of your cab ?

your plants are looking good my man