Middle of bottom Nolds brown

Can any1 tell me y my bubba kush plant bottom Nolds r turning brown their 2 1/2 weeks into 16/8 light using dyna gro BLOOM only rite now, my og plant doesn't have problem an their same age??? Any advice


Well-Known Member
Maybe they are not getting enough light, but they are fine if the brown further then there is a problem. Could also be too hot..
Cause top nolds are nice an green I'm using 4 t5 which 2 red spectrum for budding and 2 cool blue lights other plant is not having this problem but one is hybrid which is 2 feet taller than my bubba


Well-Known Member
Pictures or there is no way to help. Not enough info given. My best bet is either you are overwatering or overfertilizing or else the bottom 1/3 of the plant is not getting enough light therefore it is dying off just like pine trees do in a forest in nature.
And why are you using Bloom fertilizer during the Vegetative stage ???