Might as well ask! w/pictures


Well-Known Member
Heres the details

  • watered based on lightness of pot (2-5 day) depending on plant.
  • use super bloom 12-55-6 1st time full strenth last watering.
  • use non-Ph balanced well water /and or melted snow /or rain water
  • just watered stright no nutes today.
  • Been under 400 w matal halide bulb, just switched to 1000. no HPS:sad:
  • temps flutuate from 85 to 67 from day to nite.
  • their in 3.5 gallon pots. Some are miracle grow based recipes, some are straight mircle grow.
  • Had spider mites for awhile before i noticed Ive treated 2 times with a dish soap spray. seems to have worked.
  • These characteristics have been around for awhile but they'r getting worse!
  • Please some one help me out!! Any suggetions would be great!

They just dont seem healthy at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Yup....spray and wipe under every leaf and lower your temps.....even when you think they are gone their little eggs hatch and bam a new generation of lil fuckers devouring your plants again...within days they will be breeding and laying eggs again and again


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Still looks like mite damage. You have to be ruthless with those fuckers. Not promising you still have them, but saop water isnt usually enough. And applying heavy doses of anything to the plants too close together can have adverse effects. If I spray mine too much, the leaves wilt and die. You probly want to upgrad to an insecticide like Dont Bug Me or Organicide. Dont expect this round to stay in perfect health either. Fighting mites usually causes some damage, but anything is woth the genecide of those little guys.


Well-Known Member
You also are using too much Nitrogen, Probably too much nutes in general. The reason for the clawing of your leaves.


Well-Known Member
Got it! I agree I took a much close look and they are indeed still here! I will address this issue first thing tomorrow! Should I just go straight water for awhile?

Thanks guys!