I you are under social attack please PM me, I can help, I'm honest and I'm very effective at what I do.
DYI- Do Your Self In is open fur business on PM and on the moral and ethic pages in the politics section.
I don't wanna be in the spirituality section, I only deal with normal adults who have been fucked over by life, everybody, me too...
Long years of training with deep personal knowledge of the subject, specializing in practitioners of the path who use cannabis, in particular the more mature. If yer a kid, I'll tell ya to quit. Counseling and quick help and tips are available. Don't mind the attitude though, cause the only thing I fear is my conscience, big heart upon request. mindful hopefully always.
Feel free to forward, especially to those with a heart in need, those with out a heart or who do not know how to use one, will be lessons, or object lessons on the ethics and morality page designed to help citizens tell Shit from Silver ( Movie The Jerk). Depressed folks are especially welcome, cause I'm pretty sure I can help there too. Compassion comes first, but I do like to have fun, with a strong warm breeze of compassion at my back, a Joyful heart, while I walk my path. I'm also an atheist and a science guy big time who holds his practice to professional standards and practices and it is evidence based.
Now that shit is over meet the real me, a 65 year old old fart from Nova Scotia Canada with bad knees. A regular citizen, who got a summons fur jury duty on Friday! Think I'd be any good at that?
Follow me (my posts I mean) not like Jesus and certainly not like fuck'n Cheeto Jesus!
"So help me Jesus DYI, If ya keep this shit up yer gonna end up in the spirituality section!", Would be a nice comment and my response might be amusing too my Lord...

All in a row
Here what an old fart does fur a hobby, sometimes I need a little excitement and this young feller is my goddamn hero! (just so ya know who yer sending folks to...) Think this what life could be like...