Mini Winter Greenhouse Grow- 6 Afghani Goo Clones

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
The temperatures should be warming up pretty soon. Unfortunately right now they are around high 50s with chances of rain this week. It will be bright and sunny next week though :D

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
Ive come to realize that hollands hope does very well in cold temperatures. This is perfect for my winter grow because it is about 50-60 degrees out. By march time the temps will be in the 70s :D

Id seriously suggest this strain to anyone living in the northern climates.

Well-Known Member
I've got some plants outside in a homemade greenhouse...the next couple nights will be the acid test, because its been like summer all year! anything I put outside before april 20, go into flowering, so anything flowered middle of march or later has to go into 'the bag'(blackout to fix light hours) from late april 'til late july, to finish...after that they just flower regardless. they may not grow like summer, but something's better than nothing; and you can get an enormous jump on summer!!!

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
Yeah my grow is basically to give me some bud until next october. I needed to get them out there in february so that they can fully finish before reverting to veg. They should finish towards the beginning of april. Dry and cured by 420 :D


Active Member
were the aff goo clones purchased up here in norcal? if so, which also a ca medical marijuana patient


Active Member
great thanks alot! i recently got 2 trainwreck ,a bubblegum and a querkle in oakland vegging indoors for now

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
those sound like awesome strains. i chose the earliest finisher at the club because i dont want my babies reverting to veg. i need them to finish up before the days get longer.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
sorry i forgot to take pics. they really have grown a good amount in the last 2 weeks. the pistils on the clones are now showing. no sign of sex for the assuming they are taking longer to flower (hey, thats ok with me).

As of now, im guessing about 6 weeks until the Afgoo clones finish and about 8 weeks for the hollands hope.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Arent the days already getting longer? im about 2 months in on a small grow too, and im getting worried that when time for flower comes along....its gonna be too late...i might have to cover them to keep em in flower...when the time comes of course


Active Member
I saw the write up of Afghooey in Cannabis Culture (Issue #72, Fall 2008) sounds like a great strain. I've been wanting to try it ever since. I hope you're grow goes well. Good luck.