Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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You figured it out.

If No One will do the job because it doesn't pay well enough, then the pay will get higher until someone does. It is very difficult to run an employee centric business with no employees.

don't give it away, I like watching them arrive at their conclusions, however misguided
"why would anyone work that job?" I don't know, but many do, ask them. Your assumption that solely working 40 hours a week deserves some arbitrary standard of living seems to be your sole argument. Your assumptions aren't much of an argument.

fail of a fail..
Enough to pay for a basic standard of living if they're working full time. If not, why would anyone work that job?

This point about "skilled labor vs. unskilled labor" is meaningless. If you work 40 hours a week, regardless of what you are doing, be it standing as still as you can for some rich guy who enjoys watching people stand completely still, counting the minutes it takes for paint to dry, watching CNN, asking people "what time do you have", ANYTHING, if you work 40 hours a week, you should be compensated enough to support yourself if someone is willing to pay you for it. The work you do is not relevant to this conversation. This is America, people shouldn't have to work more than what is outlined as an average working week, if they do, the average working week should be changed to account for it, and until it is, the 40 hour a week model is what we will use. Wanna bitch about it, lobby congress to change it, otherwise, simply, shut the fuck up about it and pay your workers what you fucking owe them.

if i hire a guy to do a job, and he agrees to take that pay, THAT IS ALL I OWE HIM!

maybe the roto-rooter guy who unclogged your toilet 6 months ago feels you OWE him more, so he comes back and shouts in your face, with spittle showering you "PAY ME WHAT YOU OWE ME!!!"

A) open your wallet and let him take all he wants, " hoping that he wont imagine some new "debt"and come back
B) tell him to fuck off, and next time hire a different rooter guy

thems your options

choose one.
don't give it away, I like watching them arrive at their conclusions, however misguided

But that's the problem, invariably it becomes an infinite wait as they never get there in the first place. Sometimes a shove in the right direction is what they need. Even then it hardly ever works.
Would. You. Take. A. Full. Time. Job. If. It. Didn't. Pay. For. Your. Food. Rent. And. Clothes?


Do you understand english?

If the other option was to be unemployed then yes, yes I would. Then I would figure out how to work overtime and/or get another job to pay for the rest.

Then I would immediately be looking for a better job to cover all my bills.

Wouldnt you? Oh wait....
If the other option was to be unemployed then yes, yes I would. Then I would figure out how to work overtime and/or get another job to pay for the rest.

Then I would immediately be looking for a better job to cover all my bills.

Wouldnt you? Oh wait....

Why do you feel it is a better solution for minimum wage workers to take on more work (jobs), than for the average employer to pay a reasonable working wage (above the poverty line so the worker doesn't require government assistance)?
Except you said you don't resort to personal attacks, then in the very next post, you resorted to a personal attack

Then site it.

You're trying to parse words, what's the matter, your claim won't sound right without it?

Here's my quote below Pada, show me where I said "I don't resort to personal attacks!

Why do you have to spin the truth, is it because you don't have a leg to stand on?

Your a dishonest person see4, you started the personal insults and the posts are proof.
I kept the argument about t he issues, you're frustration gets the best of you all the time.
Not one person has mentioned the benefit that comes with finding a new employer - IF you're already employed. Employers like individuals with drive, regardless of the field you're in. If your employment situation sucks, look for another job while still employed. why settle?
You may be right, at some point everyone does, but progressives are chronic.

I've been watching you arrive at conclusions from preconceived premises for years now, and little has changed. Nothing in my experience has ever convinced you to alter your opinion on any conservative point or dogma. You statement is a clear and glowing example of projection.
You folks still want to have it both ways. You want to blame Obama for a still sickly 7 percent unemployment rate (meaning there are still far too few jobs), while still blaming individuals for some sudden spell of laziness. Strange how during the Clinton administration no one lacked motivation, but now many of those same people do.
Why do you feel it is a better solution for minimum wage workers to take on more work (jobs), than for the average employer to pay a reasonable working wage (above the poverty line so the worker doesn't require government assistance)?

Because the government should not be involved at all. It is none of their business how little I would work for.

And your whole premise is flawed. You assume clothing costs x, you assume food costs x, you assume that it is a single person living in a single place and take no other types of accomodations (apartment sharing, etc) into account in your calculations.

It is not easy living on minimum wage but many people do it. Many of those people go on to better jobs.

You keep talking about the poor as a class of people like they can never get out.

If you cannot find a job making more than minimum wage after a year or two of steady employment then it is not the employer that is the problem.
You folks still want to have it both ways. You want to blame Obama for a still sickly 7 percent unemployment rate (meaning there are still far too few jobs), while still blaming individuals for some sudden spell of laziness. Strange how during the Clinton administration no one lacked motivation, but now many of those same people do.

The unemployment number is faked... The U6 number is much more accurate.

There are still millions less jobs out there than there were under that Nazi Bush...
I recall my day in divorce court. I had been forced to liquidate my company, I was making over 150k. Then, strangely, I was unemployed. I asked the court and my ex for mercy
. My exs lawyer waived want ads in the air claiming i could easily get a job paying 20 an hour, why had i not taken one? never mind that no employer would hire an over qualified person, but tend to the fact that my income had already been imputed based on my previous income.

"you wouldn't take any job in order to support your family?". The jerk moaned. It was only when my laser said "come clean now, admit that you would never take such a low paying job yourself.

when he had no answer i got a repreive. .
The unemployment number is faked... The U6 number is much more accurate.

There are still millions less jobs out there than there were under that Nazi Bush...

yep, and the folks are still claiming it is because people (except themselves of course) are all lazy shiftless asshole who want a handout when the truth Is there are no jobs---- "why don't you just take ANYTHING?"
Because the government should not be involved at all. It is none of their business how little I would work for.

This is inconsistent with your argument. If you don't pay your workers a reasonable working wage, they will be required to use government assistance, ensuring government involvement.

And your whole premise is flawed. You assume clothing costs x, you assume food costs x, you assume that it is a single person living in a single place and take no other types of accomodations (apartment sharing, etc) into account in your calculations.

I am saying that a single person living on his own should be able to support himself, that is, paying for food to eat, a place to live and clothes to wear, exactly how every single previous generation of Americans did.

Working to be below the poverty line is unacceptable, and it's sad to me to see other Americans supporting this idea as if a "take what you can get" mentality is what made this country great to begin with. What happened to striving for something better?

If you cannot find a job making more than minimum wage after a year or two of steady employment then it is not the employer that is the problem.

You are discounting many variables in this sweeping generalization; no higher positions opening, reliable commute to a higher paying job, poor people don't tend to have reliable transportation, babysitters, etc..

This point was almost not even worth responding to
You lefties are fucking retarded.

The Burger Flipper likely signed a contract clearly outlining their remuneration and conditions, they accepted that contract willingly and yet it's the employer's fault they can't support their lifestyle on it?

Do lefties think those "evil employers" just grab people from the street and force them to work for minimum wage, with no chance of quitting?
You lefties are fucking retarded.

The Burger Flipper likely signed a contract clearly outlining their remuneration and conditions, they accepted that contract willingly and yet it's the employer's fault they can't support their lifestyle on it?

Do lefties think those "evil employers" just grab people from the street and force them to work for minimum wage, with no chance of quitting?

When you are left with no other option, you must take what you can get. I don't see how this negates attempts to make ones situation better
Wanna bitch about it, lobby congress to change it, otherwise, simply, shut the fuck up about it and pay your workers what you fucking owe them.
Minimum wage: Wanna bitch about it, lobby congress to change it, otherwise, simply, shut the fuck up about it and work for what you're getting paid.
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