Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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I am disabled but far from retarded. Did you attend an Ivy league school on a merit scholarship....I doubt it. Your economy and mine are nothing alike, just swallow that. Your lectures are boring and Narcissus peeks out every time. I am playing the epilepsy/neuropathy game asshole and cannot work or drive. 150 a week is my economy, I live upright because of people who are not like you...people who know what is right and have courage to act on it. GO PLEASE!


you live on your knees, begging for handouts.

IF you graduated from an ivy league school on a "Merit Scholarship" (see that would be an ACADEMIC Scholarship, as opposed to an Athletic Scholarship...) then you should be well situated to do any number of jobs which do not require you to drive, or even leave the house.

IF you actually are disabled, and not just by Internet Munchhausen Syndrome, then you should qualify for far more than $600 a month in disability handouts.

methinks i detect the telltale scent of a deceptive poltroon.

you live on your knees, begging for handouts.

IF you graduated from an ivy league school on a "Merit Scholarship" (see that would be an ACADEMIC Scholarship, as opposed to an Athletic Scholarship...) then you should be well situated to do any number of jobs which do not require you to drive, or even leave the house.

IF you actually are disabled, and not just by Internet Munchhausen Syndrome, then you should qualify for far more than $600 a month in disability handouts.

methinks i detect the telltale scent of a deceptive poltroon.

I would happily bet 600 dollars on the 1st day of January. Put your wad up....lets throw in this site as well. If I win you never return and if you do I am gone. How about it?
I used think that I could not go on......but, now I know the meaning of true love.....

actually i contemplated Me First and the Gimmee Gimmees, but didnt think anybody would clock the reference.

I would happily bet 600 dollars on the 1st day of January. Put your wad up....lets throw in this site as well. If I win you never return and if you do I am gone. How about it?

how about this:

you actually THINK before you post and i wont have to correct your foolishness.

your butthurt is intense, and is leading you into idiocy.

instead of grandiose claims, and Internet Munchhausen Syndrome, why dont you use your (allegedly) damaged brain for something other than a hat rack.
not to me, i am forbidden from wagering and games of chance.

a duel would be acceptable though.

I would see THAT.


On the real, Kynes? You wanna shot? You wanna bump? You wanna smoke? You want some hoes? What you like fat chicks?
At least with your tail between your legs the void where your balls were will stay warm on this cold morning. I like I have no reason for. Lemme know if you change that beefy brain.
At least with your tail between your legs the void where your balls were will stay warm on this cold morning. I like I have no reason for. Lemme know if you change that beefy brain.

so, your unfounded assertions, desperate need for attention, and incredible lack of understanding of what really drives economic activity has pushed you into pathetic internet toughguy statements and foolish declarations of victory.

this is why the left fails.

every debate turns into a pissing match and plaintive squealing.

I, a lowly labourer with no university, who DOES qualify for disability, yet continues to work, am somehow a threat to your "superior" humanity and your intellectual prowess.

sounds like you got bigger problems than (alleged) epilepsy, which didnt stop Gaius Julius Caesar from leading armies in the field, gaining the accolade Imperatus, and receiving the Grass Crown, nor did it stop him from being elected Consul, and eventually Dictator.

and he didnt even have an Ivy League education.

might wanna check yo-self before you riggedy riggedy wreck yo-self.
so, your unfounded assertions, desperate need for attention, and incredible lack of understanding of what really drives economic activity has pushed you into pathetic internet toughguy statements and foolish declarations of victory. The

this is why the left fails.

every debate turns into a pissing match and plaintive squealing.

I, a lowly labourer with no university, who DOES qualify for disability, yet continues to work, am somehow a threat to your "superior" humanity and your intellectual prowess.

sounds like you got bigger problems than (alleged) epilepsy, which didnt stop Gaius Julius Caesar from leading armies in the field, gaining the accolade Imperatus, and receiving the Grass Crown, nor did it stop him from being elected Consul, and eventually Dictator.

and he didnt even have an Ivy League education.

might wanna check yo-self before you riggedy riggedy wreck yo-self.

This is where you negate a lifelong disability of mine when you don't have any leg to stand on, call me a bully in the meanwhile, and behave like a coward......this is Dr. Kynes, a true cunt if there ever was.
actually i contemplated Me First and the Gimmee Gimmees, but didnt think anybody would clock the reference.

Oh, Kynes you old so and so, I would narry a notion of your songbird ways, thinking you but a captain of industry, and a king among men. You dirty old fool you, top drawer, sir, I say, top drawer........Can we try a bit harder? I will venture....

This is where you negate a lifelong disability of mine when you don't have any leg to stand on, call me a bully in the meanwhile, and behave like a coward......this is Dr. Kynes, a true cunt if there ever was.

did i call you a "Bully"?


i called you a mendicant, begging for alms, while perplexingly asserting that you DESERVE more.

i have plenty of legs to stand on, so i will not crawl.

you ARE a coward, too afraid to face the "lifelong disability" that others have overcome (as demonstrated by Gaius Julius Caesar, among many others)

shit i know an epileptic who still works as a carpenter, framing houses, despite having recieved his "disabilty" courtesy of a 9mm bullet to the brain in a robbery.

dude got shot in the dome and STILL WORKS. what was your excuse again?
Oh, Kynes you old so and so, I would narry a notion of your songbird ways, thinking you but a captain of industry, and a king among men. You dirty old fool you, top drawer, sir, I say, top drawer........Can we try a bit harder? I will venture....


Let's get a killer game of crisco twister going, aye? Who's game?
so, not wanting to "stick it to the man" by drafting new laws to penalize a company for being larger than the approved size means im "talking big"?

you cannot solve systemic issues by targeting the symptoms. our economy is suffering because of the following problems:

Lack of Tariffs: there is no penalty for importing products, so it is always cheaper to export production to places without restrictive regulations of confiscatory taxation
Free Trade: exporting production to foreign lands where cheap abundant disposable labour is easy to use and abuse, which means those employees are NOT part of our economic merry-go-round, so their wages are spent in foreign lands
"Insourcing" Greencards: even if you keep your production in the US, if you dont want to pay the wages demanded by americans, you can import cheaper foreign workers easily, and pay them whatever you like
Open Borders: illegal aliens can, at their pleasure, flood in when the economy is strong, driving down wages across the board, who then export those wages to foreign lands
Usury Taxation: progressive tax rates create a disincentive for success. when your increase in profit/income hits the edge of a tax bracket, you face "marginal rates" which force you to decide whether to take home less by making more, or take home more by making less.
Onerous Regulations: when the EPA can shut you down without even trying very hard, why not move your plant to mexico, thailand or china?
Government Favouritism: the current ideal in government circles is the "Service Economy", where low environmental impact retail and service jobs are preferred to manufacturing or resource extraction. wal-mart and other retail businesses get sweetheart deals to open new stores in cities and towns, while established businesses dont get the tax breaks and subsidies, thus giving the New Hotness the edge over tired old played out smaller shops, and manufacturing gets cornholed with fees, taxes, zoning regulations and endless injunctions.

as long as the government continues encouraging the exporting of US economic activity to foreign lands, open borders, free trade and "service economy" bullshit, capital will continue to see the US as a place to sell shit, not a place to actually do business.

these are MARKET FORCES too. they variously drive up costs, drive down wages and generally ensure that burger flipping becomes the next occupation of the future.
when the debts catch up to us, and we no longer have vast stores of money to send overseas the flow of sweet "Consumer Goods" will stop, and we WILL be left holding an empty sack.
why do the businesses have to do any of that shit, does the govt. have a pistol to their head and force them to do this shit, I think not, ooooh the poor business owner. Did you get a business degree, or economics degree, you do know they are two totally different degrees right? yet you act like they teach the same thing. If you have all the answers to become rich and powerful and the most successful man on earth, why haven't you yet? Do you know how ridiculous you sound spewing this garbage on a weed forum where 95% of the people on hear are the same people you call useless and lazy. You have too much time on your hands, does being successful and rich like you say you are, automatically make you a tool? sounds like the business owners are getting more handouts than the poverty stricken.
So I've seen this thread up for a bit...and been wondering...........
I went around town...went to mcdonalds and they said they made 8.50 an hr. I went to heb and walmart, walmart paid 10 an hr and heb 8.50..went to jiffy lube and they start at 9. Dishwasher at applebees and at a local college made 8.50.....8.50 seems to be the lowest pay I could find and it went on like this with most jobs about 9
I'm not into politics and don't venture round here..have no real opinion on this matter

Just curious as to who actually makes minimum wage?
I know I've never made minimum wage..or anyone I've ever met

I tried Googling what jobs actually pay minimum wage, but wasn't much every job listed as paying minimum wage payed a decent bit more

really?, i did just what bucky said and there are plenty here in florida..

Earn $20-$25+ per hour as a delivery driver!! Delivery drivers must have own car, insurance (with their name on the policy), a clean driving record, and be at least 18 years old. Starting pay is $7.79/hr plus tips. Tips typically range from $12-$18/hr. Gas is on your own.

Sandwich makers are needed for 15-20 hours per week. Starting pay is $7.79/hr. Sandwich makers are needed from 11am until ~2pm Monday through Friday.

Our WEST PALM BEACH location is at 330 Clematis Street downtown. We have been closed for a few weeks while completely updating and remodeling the store. We will be re-opening in the next few days and are looking for ROCK STARS to work at this fun and fast-paced location. The positions are part time. We will be conducting interviews between 8am and 4pm on Wednesday, November 13th. Stop by during that time for an interview!

If possible please complete the application before coming in for an interview. The application is available here:

If you are asked for an interview for a delivery driver position please bring proof of insurance WITH YOUR NAME on the policy.
[h=2][/h] 330 Clematis St (google map) (yahoo map)

  • Location: Downtown West Palm Beach
  • Compensation: $7.79/hr plus tips
  • This is a part-time job.
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers
Posting ID: 4187464151

Posted: 30 days ago
Updated: 30 days ago
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