Minor PH adjustment help..


Well-Known Member
Hey.. I just tested my water w/ a ph tester and it said my ph was a tick over 7.

1. Should I even give a crap, since it's not that far off from 6-6.5? For whatever it's worth, my baby plants look healthy. MG Organic, if soil makes a difference.

2. If I should, what's the easiest way to make such a minor change in PH?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Yes you should adjust it, IMO. The easiest way is to get pH up and down from any grow store.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bother for such a minor deviance -- the buffering in your soil should more than account for that.

If it troubles you, plain vinegar is a cheap and effective pH reducer. Try 1/2 teaspoon per gallon and check pH again -- that should get you right around 6.5