Minor plant problems

ambush paddington

Well-Known Member
I've been unable to attend to my plants for the past several days, and because of this there have been some sorts of problems have taken place even with my planning for this time. All sprouts are about 30 days old, and have a few things needing to be fixed.


This fell onto the ground sometime while I was gone. I believe a neighbor cat was the perpetrator. Upon my return the lower leaves were yellow and eaten away at, and a closer look at the bottom of the leaves there are covered in very small brown specs. I think these are bugs?

Oddly enough, I also found a strand of hair in the potting mix, probably 3-4 times longer than my hair right now, but shorter than my hair was before I cut it. I'm not sure what to think, but it is unnerving.


This plant is doing quite well, but the lowest leaves are yellow and it's undersides are dotted with these bugs, and the leaves look like they were being eaten by the bugs. What do I do about this?


This is the best plant in this selection, though there are two small holes like on the others. Still a great plant though.


It's stem broke last week and has been struggling to live since, but something almost killed it and now its all dried out. Might have a tiny chance at survival.

I'm not very worried about this, but I'd like to solve these problems before they get out of hand. Would anyone care to share possible solutions to this problem?


Well-Known Member
Get some pictures on here if you can, it helps more than you can imagine.

The bugs are likely spider mites, which are a common problem. You should try to gently clean the tops and undersides of the leaves using a damp cloth or sponge, and maybe a pesticide soap that won't harm the plants. I hear 'Neem Oil' works great, but I have no clue what it even is.

Also, increasing the humidity, i think discourages the bugs from getting out of control, so you may want to raise it to about 60-70% and keep the plants well watered (but don't overdo the watering). Keep it lower once they start budding up though, cause the buds can rot if its too humid.

That's about all I can think of for now, some others should have some good info soon.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
1 get cat grass, for if the cat comes bach.
cats dont like garlic smell. but dont put on the plants, just around.
get some garlic paste,

2 get rid of the bugs, spray with dish soap added to water.

3 and yes pics would be good.