Miracle Gro 2nd try Nirvana Feminized Indoor Mix, CFL 6.5k Veg, 2.7k Flower


Well-Known Member
Hey man, nice grow so far. I was going to suggest to replant it a bit deeper in the soil and bring your lights in closer. However, as I clicked on the second page of the thread I see she's grown quite a bit. Still, I think it would do more good than harm as long as you're gentle about it.
I thought they were a bit low in the bucket and somewhat stretchy. Might try to put more soil mix in there, not a bad idea. Can't replant, too fat fingered for that!

More lights, thanks for the suggestions.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to follow this "Buds For Less" thing for now (he used Miracle Gro). With the 40/40 Moisture Control and Seed Starter ratio I figure there are less nutes than one would expect and by only adding half a .5 teaspoon in 3 quarts of water (used small end of spoon from package) of 15-30-15 I hope I am safe.

Yeah I wanted to do the whole wood - saw - drill and mount thing for the lights but I just saw another thread that used the zip ties and power strip and went with that. Just some twine, flathead screws and zip ties. Proximity to two walls helps also.
I used MG for a while b/c I had nothing else available at the time. It does work for vegging, but overfeeds during flower. They are still babies right now, not even in their teen years. If it were my grow, I would veg longer...then you can transplant into better soil and avoid potential problems down the road. BTW, flushing MG grows is a must...unless you enjoy fertilizer tasting bud.

Happy Holidays!


Well-Known Member
I use miracle grow when FF is not available. I add a 2 gal pot full of perlite to a 2cft bag of soil to loosen it up some but it has worked well for me.
Your grow is looking good but you are falling into the trap all new growers go through of too much hands on. Right now all your girls need is a little water and as much light as you can generate. I would not add nutes for at leat another week,probably two. then very sparingly until you can see what your plants need. It is very hard not to love our plants too much. Be patient 'Grasshopper' soon your girls will take off and show phenomenal growth. Just remember that at a minimum it will take at least three months from start to finish.

The lights look ok in the pic's and your plants look pretty strong. I'd veg those girls for two more weeks, re-pot to a 3 gal pot, then two days later switch to a 12/12/ schedule. You might want to let a fan blow lightly across your plants. This will strengthen the main stem considerably.

Regardless of what you read and what people tell you, most marijuana is a very hardy plant that really needs minimal care especially at this point.


Well-Known Member
Back... So day what, 22? Pretty excited, went 12/12 on day 17 and waiting for my 2700k bulbs from Walmart. Seedling looks ok, seems like it might be a little slow. No water since last Thursday evening soil still moist. Testing out a water globe as I am on vacay possibly soon...



Well-Known Member
Day 25 and I have learned a few things. Miracle Gro anything is gonna be fkin hot. Dont douse water on one area of the plant too much especially with nuted soil... Keep the bulbs close but monitor daily. Had a leaf grow into a light and it got burnt a little. Some nute burn and some actual burn, lessons learned.

Waiting for my pack of 2700k bulbs. I am using these 6500k about 7 days into flower and maybe a week more until order hits. Watered last thurs (22nd) so before lights out will douse them. Cup experiment is super slow but not turning weird colors or anything, will wait and see. Looking at all of this as an experiment.



Well-Known Member
Day 28, not sure if I am on track, both my plants look small but for some reason I think they look healthy besides the burn from the light. These are going to be some small fkrs. Gave it a water on Sunday and been going 10 days in between waterings. Got the right 2700k lighting but they are only 26w. My water's PH is 7.0 going in and I am on 12/12 for about 12 days now. Any suggestions or feedback on the plants appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Day 35. Transplanted the runt out of the Mcdonalds cup into a slightly bigger container. Made from 3 qt Acadia water bottle, black tape around the outside punched holes in the bottom.

Large plant looking good IMO good branch spacing. The smaller plant well I guess it will just take its sweet time.



Well-Known Member
of my labor. My biggest lesson was the size of the pot matters (and don't go on extended vacation). Have nice bud 12 12 from seed but used nice big pots, bud in about 70 days... Main cola exposed... Small,IMG_20120520_172947.jpg but pretty dank!