Miracle Grow...shhhhh


Active Member
ya have been seeing the same thing and agree with you 100%. Ive grown in either mgrow soil or black gold for years and have had great crops. i still use iether mgrow soil or cocho fiber and cant tell the difference exept you have to add alot more nutes to the cocho fiber. the only reason these guys cant get it to work is cuz its old school and you can burn shit with it if you DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. rock on boooky and happy gardening
Yeah but facts are not opinions........You can grow good bud in miracle grow people saying you cant prolly cant grow good weed in a hydro system and shouldnt even be posting on the subject. Ive seen people go in peoples grow threads just to bash on miracle grow and how it doesnt work....

The only reason they even came in their is because they read somwhere else that it doesnt work and havent even used it. So to those people go buy some germ a seed put some perlite and water it. Add mollasses when its flowering and it WILL grow throw every stage... And please explain how it wouldnt work? Or if you have done it? I did my first 4 grows with just that and they all turned out good maybe not as hard of buds but very good smoke.

Keep in mind every soil grow I do I use miracle grow, mollasses,and tiger bloom. And my weed turns out better then anybodys in the area(that I know) even if they got hydro systems I still get a better yeild....


Well-Known Member
Hell, if you know what your doing you'll be amazed at what you can grow with. Give me access to water, cat litter, and grass clipping and I'm ready to grow. If you plan ahead and grow peas (legumes) during the winter, they will put enough nitrogen in the soil come spring that you won't need to apply any veg nutes. Don't listen to stoners, instead watch your grama when she's tending her roses. She knows more about growing weed then the hydro guys. Cannabis is easy, roses and tulips are fucking hard
Miricale grow came out with an Organic line its time released for 2 months...with 4% being available right away...This stuff is actually amazing...so for Miracle Grow lovers try this stuff...just build your soil and add lots of water!!
Read the label please. The only nutes in it are manure, sometimes chicken poop. That isn't a bad thing, but it can be labeled as "timed release" or "slow release" by law because the water insoluble (N) content meets a certain threshold. There is no "miracle" in the MG.
Cheaper? Well there is only one way to make cheaper soil...use less of the good stuff. Just because it is on the label doesn't mean you are getting much of it. How do I know? I blend and sell soils and soilless mediums for a living. I have lab tested many of the different soils on the market. You generally get what you pay for.

This does not mean I am bagging on MG or believe it is bad. It can work well and if it fits your budget go for it.


Well-Known Member
3 months my arse.....try some and don't feed for 2 and see what happens.The same thing just like any other bagged soil,your gonna run out of food.That shit on the bag about 3 months feed does not pertain to MJ.If it didn't taste good it wasn't the soil.
It simply means it persists in the soil at some level, it doesn't mean it will be adequate. Temperature, amount of water, size of container, and the size of the plant all play into it. 2 months is possible with some out there if good conditions are maintained.


Active Member
Wel i decided to find out for myself and doing pretty good after 5 weeks total growth. To each his own, but you can't believe everything you read sometimes u just gotta get off u azz and do it instead of regurgitating false statements.


Well-Known Member
Mj sites are not the only place that MG get's a bad rap. Gardeners everywhere talk shit about MG. I don't know why, don;t really care but I do belive where ther is smoke there's fire so personally I anin't usin it. If it works for you then have at it with my blessings. Good on ya!!


Well-Known Member
i have used all of the MG products and i love it grows great bud and at a great price. but recently i found out from my doctor that i have liver damage so now my current grow i am 100% organic. i now use the mg organic soil and doing my own mix where i wont have to fertilize and if i do i got the whole EJ lineup.