Miraclegrow + backyard dirt?


Active Member
ok i am in deep doodoo. got seeds germining and i dont have good potting soil. i have a bunch of miraclegrow, backyard dirt, and some potting soil that housed another plant at one timd. What should I do? back yard dirt or try use old soil? miraclegrow or not?


Active Member
mom is a bitch and wont have my licence for 2 months and my mom wont buy it till spring 4 her garden. so no


Well-Known Member
then i think i'd build a little bubbleponic system if you are planning on an indoor grow - you have all your lights and stuff (pH/PPM meters, nutrients, etc..)?


New Member
yeah miricle gro can be problems if you have like timed released ferts. you have friends to give you a ride to get some good soil that is for MJ. GL



Well-Known Member
either that or look for a grow that uses Miracle Grow (there are quite a few) and follow their advice.


Active Member
well i have a tiny cfl box only 1 cubic foot. one bulb. all low key. not even a fan i only want about a 5 in plant


Well-Known Member
well i have a tiny cfl box only 1 cubic foot. one bulb. all low key. not even a fan i only want about a 5 in plant
OK - then I'd recommend you visit and learn all about CFL grows. Seemorebud's book - Marijuana Buds for less - has a lot of great tips and grow advice with day by day pictures to compare progress. but i guess if you can't get soil - you won't be able to get a book either.

but visit the CFL forums and find someone who has a similar grow/situation - they should be able to help you through it.


Well-Known Member
mom is a bitch and wont have my licence for 2 months and my mom wont buy it till spring 4 her garden. so no
This statement is highly uncool & will gather you no respect from many,including myself.

You should give respect where respect is due.


Well-Known Member
quick fix... backyard dirt or reuse soil? yes or no on miracle grow? thats it
backyard dirt or resuse soil = no
miracle grow = no

what now?

technically you can use backyard dirt if you bake it enough to sterilize it but that will kill all the nutrients - plus the drainage will suck.

you can use miracle grow but you have to keep an eye on pH - and i'm just going to assume you don't have a way to check pH.

also - as panhead points out - if you are living with your Mom, then by growing pot you are risking her losing her house which is really disrespecting her but i'm not here to judge you - just thought i'd mention it.


Well-Known Member
i am only growing inside till it gets warmer out so i can gurilla grow
sounds like you're kind of stuck. you can try the M.G. just keep your expectations low and who knows? you may be pleasantly surprised.

or you may want to just wait until the weather breaks.


Active Member
seeds are already germinating. i will be happy if i get an inch. my first grow. one gram would be awesome lol. thanks 4 everyones help. i am going to try backyard dirt mixed with old soil and some m.g. i will pick all the medium apart so i can get the best drainage. thanks again!


Active Member
we all gota start somewhere. i thought i would practice with a small winter grow before i planted all my seeds outdoor


Well-Known Member
we all gota start somewhere. i thought i would practice with a small winter grow before i planted all my seeds outdoor
that's true. but i'm assuming by asking questions on the forum, you wanted to bypass a lot of the mistakes folks new to growing make without any help.

sounds like you are going to do what you want regardless of advice so good luck and happy growing!


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I wish there was an icon symbolizing "Sadly shakes grizzled old head, rolls eyes to Heaven and goes "Tch tch tch" while having a cup of tea".