

Active Member
alright ass breathers... ill be nice and give the real advice here... miracle gro says on the container not 2 use on a young plant... i would start after a month with the normal doses unless u've figured out wat works for ur plants... and most importantly miracle gro can only help ur plant grow if it can photosynthesis all that with the help of the sun, or in this case a gro light... if u want ur plant 2 bud and not die of stress in its pathetic state get him some light... ur feeding him like hes ethiopian.
ps. if u cant get a light give it sugar cuz thats how it feeds itself. Good luck... srry i called u ass breather but there was sum stupid shit in this thread.

electrolites... well my plants seem to like this miricle grow how many other plants do you know that are in a seedling stage that grows a full 3 leaf in a day... by that i mean yesterday it was the time to ass a bit of miricle grow to me little 3 leafers and they seriously are eating it up like no tomorrow, and I got the all purpose kind and called miricle grow to see if its safe to smoke in tobacco plants and its fine.. and after that i found out its illegal to grow tobbacco plants but hey thats besides the point its safe for smoking.. haha altho still not using it for budding tho and probialy gonna wait 2 weeks for all the miricle grow to leave its system possibly re potting it with some new soil too... I gotta do that soon. also I gotta add a good thing to get by your plants while their small is a venus fly trap if your afraid of bugs attacking it. cause their more attracted to the venus flytrap instead of your preciouse plants that are most likely fairly valuable. and to bigsix i think thats who you are... If your talking about a grown up maybe you should be so anxiouse to type it out because if you had one grown up cell in your body you would brobialy not grow pot because of the shit that can happen if your caught and seeing as I'm going to continue to assume you live in butt fuck america it is jail time to grow pot, or even have any in your possesion, Here where i live which is also the best place pot grows BC! (no I'm not stupid enought to put my town down) I get the same sentence for up to 500 plants fuck all mostly my plants taken away thats about it... so if your going to be a smart ass with me again howbout you shut your face before you spew shit from those nice and tender lady lips again you fucking cute fag.


Active Member
...and in regards to your "night time lighting" question, what dont you understand in the phrase "dark period"?.

What dont you understand about seelings? they need constant light in order to grow faster or did a grown up like yourself not know that Mr.I need some help cause I'm a fag. but seriously if you have been growing your plants from seedlings with a dark period you are an idiot your plants are going to be sexually confused and probialy mate with another male plant... cause plants are just like their owners. except mine their female.


Active Member
Who the fuck are you kid? You come in spouting off some ridiculous shit and claim to "know the basics" well if you dont even have a clue as to what lighting will work, you obviously dont know the basics. And fancy words, fancy sentences? I think not, I'm purposely using small words so you can understand what I'm saying.Get out of my parents house? I OWN my house kiddo. As in paid for in full, no mortgage, no loan.Make something with my life? I have a good career, and 2 college degrees. And as for your shit talking "do any of you people in here pay bills?", lick my dick you little cunt wipe. Seriously who the fuck do you think you are, you're gonna come in here and talk shit, when youre the one using an incandescent(i.e.=normal, in case that word was to fancy for you) bulb to try and grow with. Get the fuck outta here.

Incase you didnt know that was scarcasm Mr.seriouse all the time. fuck I could care less if you have a house and pay bills and have 2 college degrees wow woopty doo I have one... I may not own my own house but atleast I know how to make something of my life.. By the way I'm only 20 and have my life on track but if thats to complicated for your simple mind that cant even understand that when your growing seedlings you want constant light.


Active Member
If marijuana seedlings need constant light then why is it that they can grow outside? Moonlight?

no the constant light helps it grow faster to get to your vegitation state faster. If keep the light on while its in its vegitation stat it will still grow but not but it usually takes about 60 days after starting to force bloom(the 12 lighting). its usually good too for when you have your dark period you put it somewhere where no light can get in from anywhere you dont want the chance of screwing up your shit cause if you mess up on one day you can lose some of the THC you could have gotten.

did you get that bigsix or was it too complicated for you and your paid off house.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that having lights on it for 24/0 gets the same growth rate as 18/6. With 18/6 the plants have time to process (produce?) sugars or something like that :confused:


Active Member
I've heard that having lights on it for 24/0 gets the same growth rate as 18/6. With 18/6 the plants have time to process (produce?) sugars or something like that :confused:
so far I have kept lights on my plants for about a week underconstant light their doing good.. yesterday a full leaf(full leaf of 3) grew out while it was under the sun.


Well-Known Member
electrolites... well my plants seem to like this miricle grow how many other plants do you know that are in a seedling stage that grows a full 3 leaf in a day... by that i mean yesterday it was the time to ass a bit of miricle grow to me little 3 leafers and they seriously are eating it up like no tomorrow, and I got the all purpose kind and called miricle grow to see if its safe to smoke in tobacco plants and its fine.. and after that i found out its illegal to grow tobbacco plants but hey thats besides the point its safe for smoking.. haha altho still not using it for budding tho and probialy gonna wait 2 weeks for all the miricle grow to leave its system possibly re potting it with some new soil too... I gotta do that soon. also I gotta add a good thing to get by your plants while their small is a venus fly trap if your afraid of bugs attacking it. cause their more attracted to the venus flytrap instead of your preciouse plants that are most likely fairly valuable. and to bigsix i think thats who you are... If your talking about a grown up maybe you should be so anxiouse to type it out because if you had one grown up cell in your body you would brobialy not grow pot because of the shit that can happen if your caught and seeing as I'm going to continue to assume you live in butt fuck america it is jail time to grow pot, or even have any in your possesion, Here where i live which is also the best place pot grows BC! (no I'm not stupid enought to put my town down) I get the same sentence for up to 500 plants fuck all mostly my plants taken away thats about it... so if your going to be a smart ass with me again howbout you shut your face before you spew shit from those nice and tender lady lips again you fucking cute fag.
LMAO. Wow, you really do know your shit. I'm so sorry I offended you, and your MIRACLE grow, and your incandescent light bulbs, and your buddy that has grown alot of pot with incandescent lights, also I'm sorry for offending your poor grammar, misuse of words, improper spelling, and lack of punctuation. Really, now that we all know how much you really do know about growing, I guess I was wrong.


Active Member
I think 24/0 is actually better for seedlings, it's not 'necessary' but it probably does get more growth than 18/6.
thats what I'm doing and i know plants still grow in the dark... but if you keep feeding a person you know what happens, they get fat. and what do i want to do wo my plants.. keep feeding them till they grow fat, so i can harvest their shit after i do 12/12 light for budding... I was thinking tho whats best for budding 18/6, or 12/12 I think 14/10 gives it more time to make food, but there has to be something with the uninterrupted darkness for it to grow the THC so if you make an even amount of day light you get foodthat can be managed properly, but yet if you do 14/10 it gets more light then it has to properly use all the food it has been making so i'm thinking more towads less darkness, but also the whole even steven thing seems like it might work out... and honestly bigsix if you arent going to be a help, then why dont you help everyone on this site and leave.. I know you've been here longer. and I dont care about punctuation my mind thinks faster than it can punctuate.. which means my mind thinks faster than yours, which means I'm smarter than you, which means shut up before you go to jail for a crime you didnt commit.


Well-Known Member
... I was thinking tho whats best for budding 18/6, or 12/12 I think 14/10 gives it more time to make food, but there has to be something with the uninterrupted darkness for it to grow the THC so if you make an even amount of day light you get foodthat can be managed properly, but yet if you do 14/10 it gets more light then it has to properly use all the food it has been making so i'm thinking more towads less darkness, but also the whole even steven thing seems like it might work out... and honestly bigsix if you arent going to be a help, then why dont you help everyone on this site and leave.. I know you've been here longer. and I dont care about punctuation my mind thinks faster than it can punctuate.. which means my mind thinks faster than yours, which means I'm smarter than you, which means shut up before you go to jail for a crime you didnt commit.
LMAO. I never said anything about anybody being smarter. You're doing a good job of showing everyone how smart you are. Whats better for budding, 18/6 or 12/12?LOL. Here I'll help you, your plants wont bud under 18/6. Good luck buddy, you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
I second the point BigSix was making in his last thread.

Sorry Cornigraphic man, but you need to stop while your ahead. Your logic with being smarter is not only random, but illogical.

I know my first two sentences may have offended you, but there not meant to. As advice, check out "Photo-respiration" on google. Plants need dark periods to process glucose made during the day into energy. 18/6 is the tried and true method. I know your friend, as knowledgeable as he/she may be, says 24/0, but that is one persons opinion. The point to this site is to get many opinions in order to make your own educated guess. If you like 24/0.. cool. Alot of people don't. Thats cool too. Also I have NEVER heard of anyone budding under 18/6. There is one strain out there that will bud automatically in 24/0, but its just one of hundreds that do so, and the seed to it is VERY expensive.

Lastly I would recommend that you not slander, this case would be libel, other peoples countries. Especially if you don't understand their laws. Yes its screwed up that marijuana is illegal, but the sentance isn't always as bad as your media portrays it. Also there are alot of great things about the U.S. Taking your anger issues out on someone using issues as such will only cause more people to rally against you, and not offer help on this site. Now because of your tiff with BigSix we have deviated from the original topic, and you have became close-minded with the subject of miracle grow. You asked our opinion, many gave it, and you blew it off. Chill out dude, your here to learn, not fight. If someone says something that pisses you off, go get a glass of water and chill man.

Good Luck witendeavorsdevours. :peace: