Mistake 8th week flowering..humidity


Well-Known Member
I MADE A MISTAKE and put a humidifier in my tent the 8th week of flower. this morning there was water all inside the walls of the tent. and my temp guage said RH hi was 88%. just one day the humidifier was left on during lights off. is this grow ruined. rh is now 30-35 anything else i can do to be safe? trics are mostly cloudy, northern light takes 8-10 weeks to finish. just started flushing today



Well-Known Member
Get a fan moving the air as quick as you can should be fine..

thank man!! i fill better now. there sleep now so ill do that tommorow. leave the tent open and put a oscalating fan in front of it.

what about feeding i just started flushing and im feeding 4 times a day, ebb&flow. should i reduce the ro water plus carbo blast feeding to 2 a day?


Well-Known Member
Keep the air moving and the humidity down from now on and you should be fine. Just keep your eyes wide open for any signs of mold forming in your densest buds. It'll destroy a crop quickly, just ask outdoor growers from the northeast after this past fall.........


Well-Known Member
why would you add a humidifier during week 8?

if anything you shouldve been taking OUT a humidifier during week 8 to deter mold...

good luck


Well-Known Member
yea man don't worry plants are resilient you should seen what i have put some of mine through and they always survive. just watch for mold which probably wont be a problem. they will recover fine and probably won't affect your harvest at all except maybe you will have to dry a little longer or something. Now you know :) the whole thing is a constant learning process.