Mite problem? Please help

I germinated from seed in mid January, and have been growing in soil, about a month ago I transplanted them into their final containers, with a 2:1 mix of Ocean Forest and coconut fiber. There have been occasional yellow leaves and burnt tips throughout, but overall I haven't had any serious problems yet. However, in the past week or so I've been noticing lots of stickyish, shiny white stains on the plants. Based on what I've read, it seems to be spider mites, but I thoroughly inspected a number of my plants and was completely unable to detect any trace of them, if they are there. The white stains are on a considerable amount of my leaves now, and while the plants still seem like they're fine overall, I'd like to solve this problem before it becomes any worse. Attached are some pics, this is my first grow and I'd really like to have some nice bud after all these months of care, any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. If it does look like spider mites, how can I know for certain, and then what is the best way to get rid of them?



Active Member
Man i dont know what to tell you on that, my super skunk mother is doing roughly the same thing but the spots are a little browner in color...i would find a herbicide,pesticide, fungicide 3 in 1 blend...get one for tomatoes or somethin from lowes or wal mart...if that doesnt work than you know its not, fungus, pest, or virus or whatever...its a start, may not fix it, but it looks like whatever it is its spreading hardcore so i would nip it in the bud so to speak.


I had the same Problem with my Shaman Kush about a week into flower. It definately looks like mites to me. I used my 60x zoom microscope and scoped my leaves and sure enough it wasmites plain as day under the scope but cant really see them without the scope. I pulled all my plants out and treated with organicide spray all over the plant paying close attention to the undersides of the leaves and did this every 3 days 4 times to ensure your killing every last one. Organicide seems reallly safe to me to use since its main ingredient is edible fish oil and its resdue is gne in 5 days from your plants but its also like a feed of nitrogen for your plant my leaves look awesome now id give it a try if i were you.