MITS administrators


Well-Known Member
That was my first grow ever, in an armoire... still didnt have any shit anywhere near it
Its only been a year and some change since then and I'm a far better grower than you. Must suck




Well-Known Member
That was my first grow ever, in an armoire... still didnt have any shit anywhere near it
Its only been a year and some change since then and I'm a far better grower than you. Must suck


post up some pics.

here's a little of what i did this summer:

oh, and i just took notice of your attempt to play racial politics from a year back. i was pretty sure you were racist, no other way to explain your idiocy really.


Well-Known Member
i think it was about 7 pounds on the second run.

probably enough to pay the rent on sahtiva's tiny little apartment for 3 years.


Well-Known Member
what strain is the second and third pix ub?? looks to be the same plant though, but nice either way.. :D
the semi trimmed bud is GDP (not sure which breeder). the two buds are star trek (i think) and black domina (the second one).

don't flatter me, it's garbage. the guy whose vagina i irritated over a year ago and who carries his grudge to every thread i make now even said so.


Well-Known Member
Indoor, perpetual and only half our plant count (for a few weeks). I'm not ashamed of my grow or my "tiny apartment".
find catshit in this picture....

You're still a lazy piece of shit that wont even clean out his cats litter box.... I still stand by you not being worthy
of the medical cannabis industry.....


Well-Known Member
Indoor, perpetual and only half our plant count (for a few weeks). I'm not ashamed of my grow or my "tiny apartment".
find catshit in this picture....

You're still a lazy piece of shit that wont even clean out his cats litter box.... I still stand by you not being worthy
of the medical cannabis industry.....
i win.

now let's see some shots of your buds in regular light so we can see the mite webs and deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
You win? Catshit never wins, surely you jest.


You're a fucking joke, discuss?


Well-Known Member
You win? Catshit never wins, surely you jest.


You're a fucking joke, discuss?
you sure did get rid of all the evidence of mites.

it is nice and fluffy though. don't try to wear it as clothing, you can see right through that.


Well-Known Member
Your bud smells like shit. Literally.
i ask for critical feedback all the time and have never gotten that.

but i still can see through your bud. literally, right through it.

also, you were wrong. stop being bitter about it, it's been over a year.

also, you are racist.

have fun being wrong, lonely, and bitter with your see-through bud in your tiny apartment.


Well-Known Member
No. YOU'RE the racist. Have fun with your feces bud, failing to even find entry level information for an industry you dragged your
family halfway across these great United States to fail miserably in....


Well-Known Member
there's plenty of time to get into this silly. don't be so jellys, ferry.

just keep your head down, keep growing a couple plants in your small apartment, and be sure to cry and complain left and right while others take initiative.

and don't forget to vote republican.
This just in: the green rush is nearly over in Cali.......maybe ppl here are actually sick of this kind of pompus ghetto fabulous bullshit?