Mitt Romney...


New Member
I haven't noticed Romney "smirking," but his grins and laughs bother you?

Considering all the candidates running in both parties, which one is more knowledgable in international finance than Romney? Which one is more knowledgable than Romney about how to run a business ... or for that matter, taking a failing business (the federal government) and turning it around to where it runs efficiently?

I see you've switched candidates again. When Romney goes down in flames, who's your next choice?


New Member
I see you've switched candidates again. When Romney goes down in flames, who's your next choice?
Sorry Med-O-Mao ...

I haven't changed candidates at all. Ron Paul is still in the running ... and his ideas ring true to me. However, if it comes down to a choice between either Hillary/Obama or Romney ... Romney will have my vote and the votes of my entire family. I mean, at some point you're going to have to come to the realization that the '60s are over. No more Fab Four, Yellow Submarines, rainbows, trippy hippy chicks and flowers in gun barrels, Med. We are in the real world now.



Well-Known Member
reality is reality but he wont get my vote just because paul lost nor will any other canidate, i wish i could feel like i could though


New Member
Sorry Med-O-Mao ...

I haven't changed candidates at all. Ron Paul is still in the running ... and his ideas ring true to me. However, if it comes down to a choice between either Hillary/Obama or Romney ... Romney will have my vote and the votes of my entire family. I mean, at some point you're going to have to come to the realization that the '60s are over. No more Fab Four, Yellow Submarines, rainbows, trippy hippy chicks and flowers in gun barrels, Med. We are in the real world now.

Speaking of flowers in the gun barrel, look up at homeys avatar.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
Sorry Med-O-Mao ...

I haven't changed candidates at all. Ron Paul is still in the running ... and his ideas ring true to me. However, if it comes down to a choice between either Hillary/Obama or Romney ... Romney will have my vote and the votes of my entire family. I mean, at some point you're going to have to come to the realization that the '60s are over. No more Fab Four, Yellow Submarines, rainbows, trippy hippy chicks and flowers in gun barrels, Med. We are in the real world now.

Well, some of us are, and then there's you. The fascist parade of lies will never hold up in this election, sorry chum. Sig-Heil!


Well-Known Member
Mit is a chump Mcain and huskabbe nut my vote is ron paul even though i dont aggree with his position on the war but we need to get together as group as riu we havr so many members we can make a diffrence go to this thread and give your oppinions but we have to go republican no matter wehat unless u want hight taxes ......Jmac
ps i just watch the whole debate get at me