Mj emergency!


Well-Known Member
Okay. So i watched a movie called Better, Stronger, Faster about 1 hr ago and during the film they ran threw a list of the top 30 reasons for visits at the hospital emergency. The 1st was obviously alcohol, The second was cocaine, And the 3rd was Marijuana... Now is that just me or dose that sounds odd... i have never heard of anyone ever going to the emergency for OD on cannabis. Anyone ever hear of this? :?::?::?:


Well-Known Member
I doubt that very much. It is medically proven that our buddy grass does not kill people. Having said that, the visits, although I highly doubt third, could be for individuals who can't handle it, laced shit, etc.. Remember today's grass is far more potent than when I started.


Active Member
the worst thing ive ever seen from weed and i dont think it was even the weed really was my buddy use to puke sometimes after 1st joint of the day if we drank the night b4 but never even close to hospitle. ive had head rushes when i get up to fast when im really baked and get all woozey sometimes but no hospitle!!

i think if anything the majority of alcohol or coke cases they get if they do a toxcisity test they might find weed aswell but its definatly not the sole reason someone would go to emergency.

Theres alot of misguided anti weed propaganda that has really lost alot of its power in the last while. go on youtube when u got some free time and youll see some of the old police traning videos they use to use. some were as bad as to say that when black people blazed they would rape white women and apparently thats part of why it got outlawed in the first place. im a youtube junkie sorry (oh and watch the documentary on freeway ricky ross its nuts or "cocaine cowboys" crazy aswell) both are like the real scarface


Well-Known Member
It is true but might be exaggerated. I have worked in an ER setting before and there are people that get admitted due to marijuana. Most people have injuries related to marijuana usage (fall off ladder, car wreck, etc.). Some are admitted due to panic attacks. There are also people that are admitted because marijuana causes unknown heart problems (hypertension, heart palpitations, etc.) to become relevant or worse.

Most patients don't admit that they are on anything but many physicians will order blood toxicology tests anyways. If certain drugs were taken 12 hours prior to admission, the toxicology report will show elevated blood concentrations. That is how they determine that drugs or marijuana are the cause or suspected cause.


Well-Known Member
It is true but might be exaggerated. I have worked in an ER setting before and there are people that get admitted due to marijuana. Most people have injuries related to marijuana usage (fall off ladder, car wreck, etc.). Some are admitted due to panic attacks. There are also people that are admitted because marijuana causes unknown heart problems (hypertension, heart palpitations, etc.) to become relevant or worse.

Most patients don't admit that they are on anything but many physicians will order blood toxicology tests anyways. If certain drugs were taken 12 hours prior to admission, the toxicology report will show elevated blood concentrations. That is how they determine that drugs or marijuana are the cause or suspected cause.

As Sam Kennison would say "Good answer. Good answer""


Well-Known Member
Yeah, okay... That was a good answer NLseeker, But really to make it number 3 on the list... It dose sound exaggerated, i mean i know that cannabis can increase blood pressure and heart rate but to the extent of sending someone to emergency, The person would have to already have heart problems to begin with... I donno... i will leave it at that. I would like to know were those stats came from