MK Ultra and Sage n Sour under T5 and 400w HPS

Hey RIU,

This will be my second grow and I am really excited about these strains. There are two MK Ultras and two Sage n Sours from TH seeds. One of the SnS's is about a week behind the other three. They are currently vegging under a T5 in a closet while my first grow finishes in a few weeks in my flower tent. Once flower time, the girls will be plopped under 400w HPS. I am not too worried about pushing the plants hard while in veg as I am focusing on finishing the first grow. I am happy for any advice or feedback anyone is willing to politely offer. After making the classic mistake of nut burning my plants, I hope to improve things on this grow.I will try to update once a week with updates. Here we go.

Seedling Day 7

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The little seedlings are doing good so far. The fourth set of leaves are starting to show at day 14 with the exception of the SnS that is a week behind. Its kind of nice having the seedling that is late because it provides a little time series to measure weekly growth. Compared with my experience from the first grow, these seeds are experiencing virtually no stretching under the T5. The first grow is White Widow and Ice from Nirvana which were under 400w MH and they had crazy stretching until I could bring the light closer to the seedlings. This round the soil is FF Happy Frog and the seedlings are experiencing some early wilting with leaves which the others did not with FFOF. The SnS also have the slightest nut burn on the tips of the first true leaf set but the rest of the leaves have no signs of nut issues. If I understand correctly, FFOF runs a bit hot so I am guessing that these new seeds are going to be much more high maintenance.

The one area that I am being lazy with is maintaining stable RH in the veg closet. I am using a humidifier but it runs out of water half way through the night so Rh fluctuates around 40%. Could this be causing the leaf wilting or is that more an issue with the genetics? Also how important is it to maintain RH at the proper levels? I would love to hear thoughts on this.

I have also included pics form the first grow. They are currently at day 42 of flower. I got a little too cocky with the grow and thought I could push the nut regiment all the way to 100% according to FF recommended nut levels. Big mistake as the plant is experiencing major nut burn. Just one mistake once and wow, is it having a major affect on the plants. Too compound matters, I have the plants under a Scrog net and didnt think about flushing when I set it up. Flushing is hard and I have resorted to removing flushed water with a turkey baster. The pots are 5-gallon smart pots. I am able to get about 5 gallons of water in with each watering. I stop there because I dont want to flood the roots with too slow of a flush. I am trying to do the best I can but I feel like its a race against time till harvest. If anyone has any feedback or any inventive suggesting on how to flush and remove unwanted nuts, please chime in.

Seedling day 14

Mk Ultra
Sage n Sour #1
Sage n Sour #2
White Widow and Ice
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Well-Known Member
I don't have much soil experience but I have done a few grows like you're doing now 3/4 max nutrient levels worked for me ( I use gh flora series nutes) in both happy frog & ffof good to see you've got the th seeds going I had to shut down but will be back up with the mk ultra X bubblegum in the near future so if it's cool I would like to tag along with you're grow there is a learning curve to this stuff & patience & caution pays off I've never had to add humidity in my grows in the past I lived on the edge of the California delta where humidity ran high recently moved to the hills where humidity is lower looking forward to setting up new room & new challenges