mmma down???

Yeah why can't we like posts anymore? Lame...

Throughout history there have been many great men and women whose memory was used and abused by the powerful to gain popular support from the gullible, those who didn't realize that their mission had nothing to do with the "martyr" they claimed to idolize... this goes for the Christian church throughout history, and for a more recent example, Karl Marx... Stalin and Mao and McCarthy etc. all used, abused, and distorted his memory to further their own gains, and now we're left with no concept of who Marx actually was or anything he believed... when I started reading his works as an adult I was stunned by how wrong I'd been on him on everything... literally everything we're told about what he did and what he believed is just not true... if I hadn't grown up in a Christian household (one that shunned the church) I would've had the same experience with the Bible.
Yeah for sure. I read Motorcycle Diaries a while ago, everyone should read that, it's something everyone could be moved and inspired by.
I said it as a joke...lots of people were probably thinking it. You have single handedly made this site unenjoyable, and non productive for me.

Wish I could delete my account..but it would appear that this is the "hotel california" of can join, but you can never leave.

Can I ask a mod for a delete? A voluntary Ban?.....please..?

Wheres a fucking mod when you need one. If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times.
Allways a mod when you dont need one and never a mod when you do.

Your little 360 don't fly with me bob.
Well Timmahh, that sounds a helluva lot better then trying the play the victim role. Sure I watched people attack you and you defend yourself, I also seen those that pleaded desperately with you and showed care and compassion in doing so. I hope a bright enough light is shown on the organization so that not only everyone's bad deeds are exposed, but so that the good deeds are shown as well. There must be some good out of this.

The 3MA is back on track to being the melting pot for the entire Michigan MMJ movement. Joe is not CEO. That is two Huge ones.
Timmahh I don't want to start shit; I just want folks to grow through this experience like I like to think I myself have.
I am not bashing mmma or cpu sites; just pointing out the reasons it looks foolish to rally around either at this point in time.

I don't want to go to mmma or cpu; I want to be where I can speak my mind without compromising my own safety or dignity.

Face it: at one site your message is owned by Mal and at another it is owned by Korman.
No matter what you do going forward many people will never go back in my opinion.

I could be wrong; but what has happened so far is not fundamental change, and anything less would be folly at this juncture.

I'm a follower.
Followers need leaders who tell them which arrows to follow.
Followers need to trust their leaders to be effective.

The only way I see to building that trust is open honest debate that respects privacy and basic InternetZ protocol.
Whatever you guys do: I hope it works out for the best.

Are you sure of who owns your message here? You had to sign a TOS here as well when registering and joining RIU aslo. In many cases here you can not delete content, nor your account. Why? RIU owns it as part of their TOS you agree to when you register.
This is common on many forum/blog type sites. You agree to most TOS terms and join, once you hit send, you no longer have the right to that intellectual property.

Your last line is exactly what is now happening finially!
See for your self. I don't expect anyone to take my word for it.
the 3ma hasnt changed timahh is already treatining people with bans .lol he emust still have a little joe in his mouth what a pos

and you read into that your hatred for Joe. Take that to Joe, not me.
he can be found on his new stolen website.
I agree Marty. A group or person that wants to represent a community like this needs to respect the opinions of all of it's members, and allow for open and honest dialogue on their forum.

It seems like everyone has an agenda, and is trying to control the message.

So by that analogy, Any Moderator, from any website can not have their own voice, on another website they are not a mod on?

its your voice, who has the right to tell you how to use it, regardless of any other affiliations?
Thanks, but no thanks!
Fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me!! I had to write that over and over on the blackboard just like every other 1st grader.
Latest bullshit I saw.....
I wanted to contact you regarding some of the rumors that have been going around as well as some immediate plans and repercussions from the changes occurring at the MMMA. You can find detailed discussions as well as evidence located at . Your old user ids and all of your post can be found there. As the CEO of the MMMA and one of the two voting members on the Board of Directors, it is the right ting to do in this situation. Members must be protected from preditory practices. Komorn Believes that corporations are piggy banks. He is wrong about that.

The problems began several months ago when large sums of money were going missing from the MMMA’s treasury. I was first alerted at a meeting of the leadership in the UP, that Michael Komorn was stealing from the organization. I began an investigation into the matter. Roughly one week later I asked for money to fund theSeptember 7th protest. I was told by Michael that we had no money. To do a membership drive. I had a rough idea of our income levels and an exact idea of our expenses. I have never had access to any funds or the books of the MMMA, bu I did keep up with advertisers, adwords and donations made through Paypal. Our income was exceeding $13,000 a month. By my estimates we should have has $60,000+ in the bank. The board had not approved any major expenditures. Yet all the money was missing. I demanded the money be returned and when that was refused, I reported the theft to the proper authorities. In addition I shut down the advertising program a!
s well as discouraged donor from making contributions. I informed people on the website that Michael paid the bills out of pocket and that is the way I wanted to keep it.

Michael Komorn approached me to take over the farmers markets and I told him no. He wanted to make them profit based. I refused based on his prior history and his intent. He then began to attack the markets. Chad Carr and Michael began to smear the markets. Michael violated my attorney client privilege repeatedly and did so again today, when he release an email that said in Bold Letters, this is a private communication between me and my attorney. He told everyone in the state that the markets were illegal(they are not) and that I was going to jail. At the time he did this we were opening two new markets in problem area for patients. Lansing and Grand Rapids. He notified law enforcement and the city that we were coming. He set us up. If we had gone into Lansing, we would have had our teeth kicked in. The terror campaign did not end with us cancelling the scheduled opening in Lansing. He continued to compromise my rights, despite me pleading with him to stop. I!
n desperation I asked him for the money to relocate my family. He refused. As a matter of fact he swindled me out of my social security check last month and refused to return the money. Since the take over the MMMA has gone from being a patients advocacy group to a bunch of thugs that will even use law enforcement to get their way. I know for that for a fact.
The easiest thing would have been for me to walk away from all of this. But he informed me of his intent to fire up the ATM machine. He was setting up to steal more money. I did my best to work things out but I will not stand by while he victimizes innocent patients and caregivers. Please feel free to stop by to see the evidence of these crimes. Thanks Blueberry
Timmahh, on 04 April 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:
You can start being respectful of the new system, or I can show you the door, the choice is yours radio star.

Your issue is likely with Joe, Who is NOT the Leader here any more. The sooner you commit that to memory, the better off we will all be.

Your issue should not Medman nor with the 3MA nor any of the other members or staff. We are now working to FIX the last yrs of mess and you can either be a part of the solution by being civil with your points and Posts, and respectful while you share our forum.
Or you can continue with the rhetoric, which will make up my mind.

This website is No Longer Joe Cains to run. Lets leave it at that please.

We don't want to ban anyone, but that does not mean we wont if pushed...
They should just close down both of them, it's fuckin joke.

Our lawmakers are probably laughing their asses off, saying a bunch of reject stoners trying to fuck a football.
Cut the jugular of the right-center head

Sever the one head that rules them all?

I've seen a couple Internetz breakups in the past; but sky-God be damned if this doesn't meet or succeed any I've ever witnessed.

2 websites with the same content from the split and two heads of State.
Even more remarkable is that a lawyer would let himself get dragged into something this fucky messy with no control of HIS message.

This is why this community needs to own itself people: it must control it's destiny and be ruled by a duly respected Board.
The website(s), and dba need to be owned by the community non-profit org, and that NPO needs to have a clear and consise Mission Statement.

Somehow there needs to be a balance of community input and trusted board leadership to guide the org.
I suppose how you design the org before it does anything at all is most important.

Do the basics and bring the community together in secure online presence to begin the org.
Set the rules as loose as possible without compromising safety or dignity.

Then offer the community options as to how to proceed as a group.
Have some plans. Should their be dues? Dues get you a single vote among peers?
Can Board override community poll? How much weight does community poll have? Etc.

Do all of this shit before you start handing out "Likes" and "Rep Points" and all of that other horseshit that takes away from the mission.
Don't plan 5 "protests" before you are a solid well-oiled org.
Get your shit together first.
I was just over at the 3MA doing some reading. Several members of CPU are there shedding some light on what has been going on ... specifically about CPUs dealings with legislators.

What I find fucking HILARIOUS is that the CPU members are saying, verbatim, what bob harris has been saying here all along. These bills were going to be written, so instead of just yelling and screaming to not change a single thing about the bill, they joined in the process to try and soften the bills and make them something more palatable for medical marijuana patients. Again, exactly what bob harris has been saying this whole time.

Remember Timmah calling bob a traitor for that? Accusing him of being LEO? Bashing his gay son over it? Taking every chance to ridicule him he could find? Well, wouldn't ya know it .... Timmah is over there holding hands with the CPU folks singing Kumbaya with them!! I shit you not.

What a two-faced fuck Timmah is!!! I wonder if Timmahs apology to bob will be forthecoming?