MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

the thrill of getting the loi, just wait and keep asking them every 2 weeks whats up.
be polite and firm, but don't threaten them or have a lawyer do your work, they don't like it.just chill, if your app is solid, youll get approved.
if you have a lot of $$$ go find a real lobbyist, one of the top ones and buy your way in. its the fastest way, 60-85 days to get a lic
the thrill of getting the loi, just wait and keep asking them every 2 weeks whats up.
be polite and firm, but don't threaten them or have a lawyer do your work, they don't like it.just chill, if your app is solid, youll get approved.
if you have a lot of $$$ go find a real lobbyist, one of the top ones and buy your way in. its the fastest way, 60-85 days to get a lic

What sort of $$$ do you think it would take?
Pnp was the first. I don't consider that place that used to supply the mmar (voldemort!) as ever supplying anything but garbage.
I think Tweed just paid Paul Martin to make a few calls..
Plus Chuck from the Liberal party..
well gordon cambell is in the group of top people also,
imo chuck was the driving man behind the acceptance, he got tweed in, that's why he sold out and ran with 22mill.
in todays world its who you know
well HC has stepped it up to make this application way harder. my qa has been this for 35yrs and now they want reference letters from past employers? wtf is HC thinking or doing! they have had sooo many returns or issues QA related they are spinning outta control.
they do not have a fucking clue!
well HC has stepped it up to make this application way harder. my qa has been this for 35yrs and now they want reference letters from past employers? wtf is HC thinking or doing! they have had sooo many returns or issues QA related they are spinning outta control.
they do not have a fucking clue!
Sounds like a good way to buy some more time...I think they know exactly what they are doing.
Sounds like a good way to buy some more time...I think they know exactly what they are doing.
Seems they want to make the heavys who made money during MMAR to loose it all lol This system doesnt need any more LPs in my opinion but i hope a legitimate few/smaller get in. My idea would be the courts eliminate DG and use LP.
Seems they want to make the heavys who made money during MMAR to loose it all lol This system doesnt need any more LPs in my opinion but i hope a legitimate few/smaller get in. My idea would be the courts eliminate DG and use LP.

Eliminate DG?
well HC has stepped it up to make this application way harder. my qa has been this for 35yrs and now they want reference letters from past employers? wtf is HC thinking or doing! they have had sooo many returns or issues QA related they are spinning outta control.
they do not have a fucking clue!

Sorry to hear that brother but keep your head up and keep at er man.
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well HC has stepped it up to make this application way harder. my qa has been this for 35yrs and now they want reference letters from past employers? wtf is HC thinking or doing! they have had sooo many returns or issues QA related they are spinning outta control.
they do not have a fucking clue!
They are fuckin you over we said they would......come to the BM they like you there better than your own Gov. does.
See the light rnr.....come be my hippy in training...I'll get you a uniform with your name on it too.
Do you still hate us now?
You can even bring your goat Skippy ...oh look there he is now.
Eliminate DG?
It would make sence, you wont have these 1500plant industrial units anymore. PPL all the way, if you cant grow then you buy from a LP or CC. ie; dont have a car? walk. dont want to walk...take a cab or bus.

All these grows with 4 dg licenses is total shit...ive personally seen someone be offered 3k a month for 49plant count. It needs to stop.
It would make sence, you wont have these 1500plant industrial units anymore. PPL all the way, if you cant grow then you buy from a LP or CC. ie; dont have a car? walk. dont want to walk...take a cab or bus.

All these grows with 4 dg licenses is total shit...ive personally seen someone be offered 3k a month for 49plant count. It needs to stop.

While I agree there are definitely those taking advantage of the DG model and I'm sure the gooberment would want nothing more than to abolish every part of the MMAR it does have benefit. Canada is a giant, huge place and not everyone lives in or near a metropolitan area. Only a handful of cities across the country actually have any form of compassion clubs or dispensaries. People with certain conditions simply just cannot grow for themselves due to time or condition, arthritis patients aren't going to want to tend a garden or walk/cab even short distances. What if they live in the middle of nowhere? Wait for the LP stuff they can't afford anyway? The DG model was originally thought of so that those brothers, sisters, uncles, fathers, aunts, cousins, roommates etc etc etc of the suffering could tend their gardens, not some clown with a warehouse and 4 licenses pumping out industrial PK and sending 3/4 of it out the backdoor.
While I agree there are definitely those taking advantage of the DG model and I'm sure the gooberment would want nothing more than to abolish every part of the MMAR it does have benefit. Canada is a giant, huge place and not everyone lives in or near a metropolitan area. Only a handful of cities across the country actually have any form of compassion clubs or dispensaries. People with certain conditions simply just cannot grow for themselves due to time or condition, arthritis patients aren't going to want to tend a garden or walk/cab even short distances. What if they live in the middle of nowhere? Wait for the LP stuff they can't afford anyway? The DG model was originally thought of so that those brothers, sisters, uncles, fathers, aunts, cousins, roommates etc etc etc of the suffering could tend their gardens, not some clown with a warehouse and 4 licenses pumping out industrial PK and sending 3/4 of it out the backdoor.
The dg the was supposed to grow for me told me after the fact that he would be taking 2oz off the top to cover the costs. That is the type of dg that needs to be shut down. Someone like leaf who is growing for a family member who can't grow, shouldn't be penalized for the ones that fucked this up.
It would make sence, you wont have these 1500plant industrial units anymore. PPL all the way, if you cant grow then you buy from a LP or CC. ie; dont have a car? walk. dont want to walk...take a cab or bus.

All these grows with 4 dg licenses is total shit...ive personally seen someone be offered 3k a month for 49plant count. It needs to stop.

Maybe this place should be renamed the Able Bodied Canadian Patients
Maybe this place should be renamed the Able Bodied Canadian Patients
Possibly, it does take effort to go to the computer and sign on. You need to understand, at 5 plants per gram...thats excessive. I know some people cant take care of them selves but you look at the greater picture and how many do you believe are in that boat? Most of the time its "cant grow 99 plants, you fill my script and keep the rest" there are flaws if we like it or not. I dont want to see it go but i dont see it staying, just like the 5 plant per gram.