MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

I just re-submitted our application after sorting out municipal issues. We will see how things have changed since August...
You could be right, but to me you are a dude on the internet that heard it from a guy that heard it from a guy (no offense). I find it impossible to believe HC would not have seen this coming. That's not to say they were equipped to deal with it.

HC had the staff to handle it, so I believe they were prepared for exactly what happened.
I just re-submitted our application after sorting out municipal issues. We will see how things have changed since August...

Very curious about this - do you have to submit as a new application or can you resubmit under the same number?
I heard that a few people's applications are entirely rewritten because their first one was denied and I was curious whether or not it's from scratch or if there are any considerations for those that do get denied and want to resubmit.
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Very curious about this - do you have to submit as a new application or can you resubmit under the same number?
I heard that a few people's applications are entirely rewritten because their first one was denied *cough*McLachlan*cough* and I was curious whether or not it's from scratch or if there are any considerations for those that do get denied and want to resubmit.

We formally withdrew our application (they were very supportive of it at that point), so I could not re-submit under the same number. However, I included a cover letter explaining that we had previously submitted an application (and provided the reference number) at the same location. I am hoping that since we made it through the first couple rounds in the first one it will be fast tracked, but I am not holding my breath.

When we encountered the issue in the first place, they told us we could submit an amendement to our application if it was in the same municipality, but it would be better to start fresh if we moved to another. At the time we thought we would need to move, so we withdrew, but then the municipality shockingly became supportive. The silver lining is that we have revised our business plan since then and I think it is much stronger for the delay.
We formally withdrew our application (they were very supportive of it at that point), so I could not re-submit under the same number. However, I included a cover letter explaining that we had previously submitted an application (and provided the reference number) at the same location. I am hoping that since we made it through the first couple rounds in the first one it will be fast tracked, but I am not holding my breath.

When we encountered the issue in the first place, they told us we could submit an amendement to our application if it was in the same municipality, but it would be better to start fresh if we moved to another. At the time we thought we would need to move, so we withdrew, but then the municipality shockingly became supportive. The silver lining is that we have revised our business plan since then and I think it is much stronger for the delay.

Thanks for the info Kron, and best of luck with the new application :)
again ive seen in the regs if your refused you cant re-aply for 5 yrs, so imo you have to change 90% of the app.
also I don't think any new apps will get in. and here, were I am and prince george the land sizes are so large most cant buy the land, 75 acres and 640 acers or larger in pg
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"Not many people will share their private information.. it's just not something they feel comfortable being public about."

I understand that people are worried about talking too much in fear of hindering their chances with the app. but wether they are posting on this thread or want to discuss privately, everyone can remain anonymous.

For those who think that they are ahead of everyone and that their info is too valuable to share, I understand how you feel because I know how much time,money,energy,blood, sweat and tears have gone into this.

We know that many are ahead of us but also that many are behind us. We are willing to share with anyone who shares back.

[email protected]
I think it's very ballsy of you to post your MMPR number - assuming that's what your username is - because I'm just afraid that HC will do research or that their investigating parties might. Paranoid much? Yes.
Even then.. how many LP applicants would there be in the Ottawa area?
I'm easily scared when it comes to investments.

The 613 area code covers a big area and multiple cities: Ottawa, Kingston, Cornwall, Belleville, Pembroke etc. I'm all for protecting one's info, but I think you are being a little too paranoid in this case ;) I bet there are close to a hundred applicants from that area code.
Very curious about this - do you have to submit as a new application or can you resubmit under the same number?
I heard that a few people's applications are entirely rewritten because their first one was denied *cough*McLachlan*cough* and I was curious whether or not it's from scratch or if there are any considerations for those that do get denied and want to resubmit.

We'll be discussing our application process openly soon, entirely rewritten is far from correct.
the hc has stopped and put all future applications on hold, if any mistakes they return denied. if pt QA denied, they don't know what to do with all the apps that have come in and not enough staff with knowledge, to solve or work on files. they are still looking to keep under 200 LPs.
THE GOV DONT WANT THIS TO WORK OR HAPPEN! new apps aren't getting threw anymore
the hc has stopped and put all future applications on hold, if any mistakes they return denied. if pt QA denied, they don't know what to do with all the apps that have come in and not enough staff with knowledge, to solve or work on files. they are still looking to keep under 200 LPs.
THE GOV DONT WANT THIS TO WORK OR HAPPEN! new apps aren't getting threw anymore

the hc has stopped and put all future applications on hold, if any mistakes they return denied. if pt QA denied, they don't know what to do with all the apps that have come in and not enough staff with knowledge, to solve or work on files. they are still looking to keep under 200 LPs.
THE GOV DONT WANT THIS TO WORK OR HAPPEN! new apps aren't getting threw anymore

Well if this is the case that sure doesn't sound like the "free market" with "no limit to the number of licenses granted" that HC and the media have been spouting off since the beginning. How many of you limbo and wannabe LPs are talking to your lawyers? HC loves lawsuits ya know.
honestly they say free market prob to make it sound juicy. or its like that so they can freely change any open idea when they want like no more pt QA, or other stuff. imo a lawyer will not do much except piss off HC. mine just guides me to the right information on my side of the situations at hand.
I think it's great! Now there are only so many to get it right. Did they not initially say they wanted 50 LP's? Seems like that was more in line to reality than the "free market" Hahahahahaha