moister question,drying!


New Member
After cutting my plants i hung them up, this is my first harvest!!..I think i put them in jars to soon, The feel moist still and ? i have taken them out of the mason jars and put them in paper bags in a cool dark place, is this ok to dry them more. i only let them hang dry for 3 days? thats was not enough right? i have read through and there are many different options, and suggestios woul dbe great.


if they are moist then they arent dry yet. hang them up for a few more days. and when you start your cure open the jar every twelve hours for thirty minutes or so


New Member
i left them out the last 36 hours they crisped up a little,,im gonna jar them again..just wanted confirmation.. thank u

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Nobody can determine when the are sufficiently dry except you. You can leave them out for a while every day until they are dry enough to jar over night.


Well-Known Member
yea now you know for next time that even tho the stem feels crisp its still holding moisture, when you jar them the moisture comes back out of the stem and rehydrates the buds. thats why you should burp the mason jars for the first week and a half or two


New Member
ok,,i just took them out of the bag and re jarred them,,they were a little crispy i think they are ready for the jars now..will they begin to get there smell while curing in the jar?? or will they stay with the smell they have now?


New Member
yeah a little like grass..not bad though..smells like vanilla, do the buds compact at all? nice video thanks.. kinda basic. looks like a large commercial grower


Well-Known Member
two starting points for the newbie to try to get an idea of what's good is to look for the single leaves coming out the bud to gett dry enough to crumble easily in the fingers, or to go till the stems snap when you bend them. From there you can get an idea for what is best in your situation (it will vary with humidity, jar size, amount of stuff in jars, the density, etc). Don't neglect the paper bag (good way to fine tune between hanging and jars).


New Member
at first i hung them for 3-4 days then i put them in the jars to i took them back out and have been rotating from bag to jar, they are now crisp to the touch on the outside so i put them back in the jars..i guess i will burp them from here on out.. i just hope they start to smell nice,,thanks gobbly


Well-Known Member
during drying I'm sure you noticed the buds lost weight due to the loss of water, usually about half. They shouldn't change now tho let me know how it turns out


New Member
thanks,, im learning that every grower has two feel out for himself, as different stages pass in the plants life, we devlop are own techniques! this website..